
O quarter that has faded and its inhabitants have gone

أجل أيها الربع الذي خف آهله

1. O quarter that has faded and its inhabitants have gone
In you, purpose found what it seeks

١. أَجَل أَيُّها الرَبعُ الَّذي خَفَّ آهِلُه
لَقَد أَدرَكَت فيكَ النَوى ما تُحاوِلُه

2. I stood still while my insides were homes to sorrow
For it while it was desolate with its homes collapsing

٢. وَقَفتُ وَأَحشائي مَنازِلُ لِلأَسى
بِهِ وَهوَ قَفرٌ قَد تَعَفَّت مَنازِلُه

3. I ask you why decay has ruled over it
Else leave me be asking it

٣. أُسائِلُكُم ما بالُهُ حَكَمَ البِلى
عَلَيهِ وَإِلّا فَاِترُكوني أُسائِلُه

4. Indeed, after wrongdoing dwelled inside the heart
Tears defended well

٤. لَقَد أَحسَنَ الدَمعُ المُحاماةَ بَعدَما
أَساءَ الأَسى إِذ جاوَرَ القَلبَ داخِلُه

5. Its longing called, O fulfiller of longing, a call
So the downpour of tears responded profusely

٥. دَعا شَوقُهُ يا ناصِرَ الشَوقِ دَعوَةً
فَلَبّاهُ طَلُّ الدَمعِ يَجري وَوابِلُه

6. A day you will see death in the form of purpose
Its latter fraught with regret and its beginning

٦. بِيَومٍ تُريكَ المَوتَ في صورَةِ النَوى
أَواخِرُهُ مِن حَسرَةٍ وَأَوائِلُه

7. We stood on the embers of farewell one evening
With every heart boiling and its pots

٧. وَقَفنا عَلى جَمرِ الوَداعِ عَشِيَّةً
وَلا قَلبَ إِلّا وَهوَ تَغلي مَراجِلُه

8. Our she-camels, we have saddened them by our worries
Until we thought they were his she-camels

٨. وَفي الكِلَّةِ الصَفراءِ جُؤذَرُ رَملَةٍ
غَدا مُستَقِلّاً وَالفِراقُ مُعادِلُه

9. When the night takes off its dress, you see them
Responding with their saddlebags from every side

٩. تَيَقَّنتُ أَنَّ البَينَ أَوَّلُ فاتِكٍ
بِهِ مُذ رَأَيتُ الهَجرَ وَهوَ يُغازِلُه

10. To the pole of life, who if I praised people for his virtues
Their palms would not encompass his merits

١٠. يُعَنِّفُني أَن ضِقتُ ذَرعاً بِنَأيِهِ
وَيَجزَعُ أَن ضاقَت عَلَيهِ خَلاخِلُهُ

11. Of might, benevolence, generosity and piety
Are dependants whose provisions are his traits

١١. أَتَتكَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَقَد أَتى
عَلَيها المَلا أَدماثُهُ وَجَراوِلُه

12. Remove the darkness of injustice from the face of a nation
Lit for it by the setting star of truth

١٢. وَصَلنَ السُرى بِالوَخدِ في كُلِّ صَحصَحٍ
وَبِالسُهُدِ المَوصولِ وَالنَومُ خاذِلُه

13. The caliphate sought refuge in his steadfastness and gathered
Around its bosom his spears and swords

١٣. رَواحِلُنا قَد بَزَّنا الهَمُّ أَمرَها
إِلى أَن حَسِبنا أَنَّهُنَّ رَواحِلُه

14. She came to him providing while it was as though
She had been corresponding with him before undoubtedly

١٤. إِذا خَلَعَ اللَيلُ النَهارَ رَأَيتَها
بِإِرقالِها مِن كُلِّ وَجهٍ تُقابِلُه

15. With al-Mu'tasim billah, through whom the bonds of religion were protected
And its means converged around him

١٥. إِلى قُطُبِ الدُنيا الَّذي لَو بِفَضلِهِ
مَدَحتُ بَني الدُنيا كَفَتهُم فَضائِلُه

16. God cared through him for the subjects with mercy
Whose worldliness does not make it abandon him

١٦. مَنِ البَأسُ وَالمَعروفُ وَالجودُ وَالتُقى
عِيالٌ عَلَيهِ رِزقُهُنَّ شَمائِلُه

17. So they became in the morning, with their hearts pouring unto him
And his mercy pouring upon them, its reach

١٧. جَلا ظُلُماتِ الظُلمِ عَن وَجهِ أُمَّةٍ
أَضاءَ لَها مِن كَوكَبِ الحَقِّ آفِلهُ

18. He stood up so justice stood up in every town
As an orator, and kingship's knot was untied

١٨. وَلاذَت بِحُقوَيهِ الخِلافَةُ وَاِلتَقَت
عَلى خِدرِها أَرماحُهُ وَمَناصِلُه

19. He unsheathed the sword of truth until it was as though
Its scabbard was soft iron and its straps

١٩. أَتَتهُ مُغِذّاً قَد أَتاها كَأَنَّها
وَلا شَكَّ كانَت قَبلَ ذاكَ تُراسِلُه

20. We approved despite the nights his rule
And is there one to repeal what the Lord of the Throne decrees?

٢٠. بِمُعتَصِمٍ بِاللَهِ قَد عُصِمَت بِهِ
عُرى الدينِ وَاِلتَفَّت عَلَيها وَسائِلُه

21. Indeed, the time has come for one to guide his unsullied heart
To the edge of a blade in God's hand, its worker

٢١. رَعى اللَهُ فيهِ لِلرَعِيَّةِ رَأفَةً
تُزايِلُهُ الدُنيا وَلَيسَت تُزايِلُه

22. And how many covenant-breakers whose hopes
Were ruined by it and whose falsehood for your truth was demolished

٢٢. فَأَضحَوا وَقَد فاضَت إِلَيهِ قُلوبُهُم
وَرَحمَتُهُ فيهِم تَفيضُ وَنائِلُه

23. You enabled him from your mercy's breadth forgiveness
And pardon when your fighter enabled you to fight him

٢٣. وَقامَ فَقامَ العَدلُ في كُلِّ بَلدَةٍ
خَطيباً وَأَضحى المُلكُ قَد شَقَّ بازِلُه

24. And acknowledging the sin clothed his soul
And his body when his tribes did not clothe him

٢٤. وَجَرَّدَ سَيفَ الحَقِّ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
مِنَ السَلِّ مودٍ غِمدُهُ وَحَمائِلُه

25. When a betrayer seeks betrayal through betrayal
It is right that his dishonorable acts shame him

٢٥. رَضينا عَلى رَغمِ اللَيالي بِحُكمِهِ
وَهَل دافِعٌ أَمراً وَذو العَرشِ قائِلُه

26. If he undertakes travels, then white tombs
And waterways of death are his destinations

٢٦. لَقَد حانَ مَن يُهدي سُوَيداءَ قَلبِهِ
لِحَدِّ سِنانٍ في يَدِ اللَهِ عامِلُه

27. And if he builds walls against himself
Then those are his shackles, not his strongholds

٢٧. وَكَم ناكِثٍ لِلعَهدِ قَد نَكَثَت بِهِ
أَمانيهِ وَاِستَخذى لِحَقِّكَ باطِلُه

28. Unless make him know you are angry
And leave him be, for fear is undoubtedly his killer

٢٨. فَأَمكَنتَهُ مِن رُمَّةِ العَفوِ رَأفَةً
وَمَغفِرَةً إِذ أَمكَنَتكَ مَقاتِلُه

29. Through Abu Ishaq's prosperity, the Almighty's hand reached long
And the channel of religion stood up, its shoulder strengthened

٢٩. وَحاطَ لَهُ الإِقرارُ بِالذَنبِ روحَهُ
وَجُثمانَهُ إِذ لَم تَحُطهُ قَبائِلُه

30. He is a sea, whichever coast you come to him from
Its shores are benevolence and generosity

٣٠. إِذا مارِقٌ بِالغَدرِ حاوَلَ غَدرَةً
فَذاكَ حَرِيٌّ أَن تَئيمَ حَلائِلُه

31. He grew accustomed to extending his palm until if
He folded it for clasping, his fingers would not respond to him

٣١. فَإِن باشَرَ الإِصحارَ فَالبيضُ وَالقَنا
قِراهُ وَأَحواضُ المَنايا مَناهِلُه

32. If there was nothing in his palm but his soul
He would give it generously, so let its asker beware of God

٣٢. وَإِن يَبنِ حيطاناً عَلَيهِ فَإِنَّما
أُولَئِكَ عُقّالاتُهُ لا مَعاقِلُه

33. A bestowal, if the one made bashful by it could avoid it
He would become, among people, one who blames him

٣٣. وَإِلّا فَأَعلِمهُ بِأَنَّكَ ساخِطٌ
وَدَعهُ فَإِنَّ الخَوفَ لا شَكَّ قاتِلُه

34. When a hopeful person designates its plenty as his wishes
His gifts until his hopeful one becomes hopeful

٣٤. بِيُمنِ أَبي إِسحاقَ طالَت يَدُ العُلى
وَقامَت قَناةُ الدينِ وَاِشتَدَّ كاهِلُه

35. Distractions that stir the heart, if not for their connection
To the merit of defending God, their whisperer allures him

٣٥. هُوَ اليَمُّ مِن أَيِّ النَواحي أَتَيتَهُ
فَلُجَّتُهُ المَعروفُ وَالجودُ ساحِلُه

36. The imam of guidance and the son of guidance, what felicity
Which the ode hastened unto you and its sayer

٣٦. تَعَوَّدَ بَسطَ الكَفِّ حَتّى لَو أَنَّهُ
ثَناها لِقَبضٍ لَم تُجِبهُ أَنامِلُه

37. Your hope for the usurper is readily ample wealth
And the first day of meeting you is its fulfiller

٣٧. وَلَو لَم يَكُن في كَفِّهِ غَيرُ روحِهِ
لَجادَ بِها فَليَتَّقِ اللَهَ سائِلُه

٣٨. عَطاءٌ لَوِ اِسطاعَ الَّذي يَستَميحُهُ
لَأَصبَحَ مِن بَينِ الوَرى وَهوَ عاذِلُه

٣٩. إِذا آمِلٌ ساماهُ قَرطَسَ في المُنى
مَواهِبَهُ حَتّى يُؤَمِّلَ آمِلُه

٤٠. لُهىً تَستَثيرُ القَلبَ لَولا اِتِّصالُها
بِحُسنِ دِفاعِ اللَهِ وُسوِسَ سائِلُه

٤١. إِمامَ الهُدى وَاِبنَ الهُدى أَيُّ فَرحَةٍ
تَعَجَّلَها فيكَ القَريضُ وَقائِلُه

٤٢. رَجاؤُكَ لِلباغي الغِنى عاجِلُ الغِنى
وَأَوَّلُ يَومٍ مِن لِقائِكَ آجِلُه