
The surly man of rugged temper may

رب غليظ الطباع يغلظ عن

1. The surly man of rugged temper may
Display harshness from delicacy in my flesh and blood.

١. رُبَّ غَليظِ الطِباعِ يُغلِظُ عَن
رِقَّةِ مِثلي في لَحمِهِ وَدَمِه

2. His kindness is a blessing, when bestowed
To free a freeman, though it bend him from his whim.

٢. نِعمَتُهُ نِعمَةٌ إِذا قُدِحَت
لِرِفدِ حُرٍّ ثَنَتهُ عَن هِمَمِه

3. He shielded my face from his, and guarded
My honor, nor diminished it out of his bounty.

٣. فَصانَ وَجهي عَن عُرفِهِ وَحَمى
عِرضي فَلَم يَنتَقِصهُ مِن كَرَمِه

4. So praise be to God who saved me
From him, safe in body and blessed by His grace.

٤. فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ حينَ خَلَّصَني
مِنهُ سَليمَ الأَديمِ مِن نِعَمِه