1. My tears changed to suppression
The day they set out with their luggage
١. بُدِّلَت عَبرَةً مِنَ الإيماضِ
يَومَ شَدّوا الرِحالَ بِالأَغراضِ
2. She turned away for a while when she felt
The intention - she turned away from ignoring
٢. أَعرَضَت بُرهَةً لَمّا أَحَسَّت
بِالنَوى أَعرَضَت عَنِ الإِعراضِ
3. Her weeping was suppressed by determinations
My composure and worry were forced upon me
٣. غَصَبَتها نَحيبَها عَزَماتٌ
غَصَبَتني تَصَبُّري وَاِغتِماضي
4. She looked, so I turned from her to the most
Beautiful darkness I saw in her radiance
٤. نَظَرَت فَاِلتَفَتُّ مِنها إِلى أَح
لى سَوادٍ رَأَيتُهُ في بَياضِ
5. The day the sick glance and eyelid departed
Her tears were not from illness
٥. يَومَ وَلَّت مَريضَةَ اللَحظِ وَالجَف
نِ وَلَيسَت دُموعُها بِمِراضِ
6. Better than what I saw withdrawing
From misfortunes and ignoring
٦. إِنَّ خَيراً مِمّا رَأَيتُ مِنَ الصَف
حِ عَنِ النائِباتِ وَالإِغماضِ
7. A stranger emulating the strangeness of Qais
Ibn Zuhair and Al-Harith ibn Mudar
٧. غُربَةٌ تَقتَدي بِغُربَةِ قَيسِ ب
نِ زُهَيرٍ وَالحارِثِ بنِ مُضاضِ
8. Two setbacks almost made me stumble and fall
Fearing they would break my resolve
٨. غَرَضا نَكبَتَينِ ما فَتَلا رَأ
ياً فَخافا عَلَيهِ نَكثَ اِنتِقاضِ
9. Whoever abandoned homes woke up
In shreds of life not luxurious rags
٩. مَن أَبَنَّ البُيوتَ أَصبَحَ في ثَو
بٍ مِنَ العَيشِ لَيسَ بِالفَضفاضِ
10. And the gallant whom the nights exhausted
Like the molting serpent's skin
١٠. وَالفَتى مَن تَعَرَّقَتهُ اللَيالي
وَالفَيافي كَالحَيَّةِ النَضناضِ
11. Two prayers: wherever his enemies settled
Speaking of his resolute determination
١١. صَلَتانٌ أَعداؤُهُ حَيثُ حَلّوا
في حَديثٍ مِن عَزمِهِ مُستَفاضِ
12. Each day in the passing of nights
He has a blow like the violent warrior's
١٢. كُلَّ يَومٍ لَهُ بِصَرفِ اللَيالي
فَتكَةٌ مِثلُ فَتكَةِ البَرّاضِ
13. And unto Ahmed I destroyed the handicaps of incapacity
With the cheeks of spears in ruins
١٣. وَإِلى أَحمَدٍ نَقَضتُ عُرا العَج
زِ بِوَخدِ السَواهِمِ الأَنقاضِ
14. As if, when I arrived to him, I released
My need from suppression
١٤. فَكَأَنّي لَمّا حَطَطتُ إِلَيهِ الرَ
حلَ أَطلَقتُ حاجَتي مِن إِباضِ
15. He settled in the house, when counted, among the generous
And in high enduring positions
١٥. حَلَّ في البَيتِ مِن إِيادٍ إِذا عُدَّ
ت وَفي المَنصِبِ الطُوالِ العُراضِ
16. A group who became fortresses of glory
And shields of reputations and honors
١٦. مَعشَرٌ أَصبَحوا حُصونَ المَعالي
وَدُروعَ الأَحسابِ وَالأَعراضِ
17. Through you, strife returned minus efforts
And arrows found their targets
١٧. بِكَ عادَ النِضالُ دونَ المَساعي
وَاِهتَدَينَ النِبالُ لِلأَغراضِ
18. And the tribes' spears awoke
When they were dormant in the scabbards
١٨. وَغَدَت أَسهُمُ القَبائِلِ أَيقا
ظاً وَكانَت قَد نُوِّمَت في الوِفاضِ
19. The generous deeds returned in force and
The pretenders were introduced among them
١٩. عادَتِ المَكرُماتُ بُزلاً وَكانَت
أُدخِلَت بَينَها بَناتُ مَخاضِ
20. How much darkness about loftiness was illuminated
By you, and generous deeds are your meadows
٢٠. كَم ظَلامٍ عَنِ العُلى قَد تَجَلّى
بِكَ وَالمَكرُماتُ عَنكَ رَواضِ
21. What sane person intends to wrong you
When the dew itself prevents injustice?
٢١. أَيُّ ذي سُدَدٍ يُناويكَ فيهِ
ظالِماً وَالنَدى بِذَلِكَ قاضِ
22. How many meanings I suggested in you
Became properties of gardens
٢٢. كَم مَعانٍ وَشَّيتُها فيكَ قَد أَم
سَت وَأَصبَحَت ضَرائِراً لِلرِياضِ
23. With faces that are ruins over time
Yet their prices are meadows
٢٣. بِقَوافٍ هِيَ البَواقي عَلى الدَه
رِ وَلَكِن أَثمانُهُنَّ مَواضِ
24. After you were liberal with the renowned
I don't care who among them recoiled
٢٤. ما أُبالي بَعدَ اِنبِساطِكَ بِالمَعرو
فِ مَن كانَ مِنهُمُ ذا اِنقِباضِ
25. You are for me a fortress from time
If it was disturbed by doubt or distress
٢٥. أَنتَ لي مَعقِلٌ مِنَ الدَهرِ إِن را
بَ بِرَيبٍ أَو حادِثٍ مَضّاضِ
26. I did not tie the tent ropes in the
Encampment of nomads until I filled the meadows
٢٦. ما شَدَدتُ الأَوذامَ في عُقَدِ الأَك
رابِ حَتّى وَرَدتُ مِلءَ الحِياضِ
27. You are too resolute to bar the spear
If you renew the charge
٢٧. أَنتَ أَمضى مِن أَن تَصُدَّ عَنِ الرَم
يِ إِذا ما جَدَدتَ في الإِنباضِ
28. And when glory was my aid against
A person, I took its payment by not asking payment
٢٨. وَإِذا المَجدُ كانَ عَوني عَلى المَر
ءِ تَقاضَيتُهُ بِتَركِ التَقاضي