
The misery of my heart, how it has weakened

بؤس قلبي كيف ذلا

1. The misery of my heart, how it has weakened
Becoming a place for illness

١. بُؤسَ قَلبي كَيفَ ذَلّا
صارَ لِلسُقمِ مَحَلّا

2. I did not fear what has happened
Though I was free

٢. لَم أَكُن أَخشى الَّذي كا
نَ وَقَد كُنتُ مُخَلّى

3. I have melted away until I do not see
In the mirror of the sun a shadow

٣. ذُبتُ حَتّى ما أَرى لي
في مِراةِ الشَمسِ ظِلّا

4. May God forgive those who wrong me
For what they made permissible

٤. صَفَحَ اللَهُ لِمَن يَظ
لُمُني عَمّا اِستَحَلّا