
The beloved visitor has come

وافى الحبيب الزائر

1. The beloved visitor has come
The brilliant crescent moon has risen

١. وافى الحَبيبُ الزائِرُ
طَلَعَ الهِلالُ الباهِرُ

2. And my overflowing tears of longing
Wander, and my heart is perplexed

٢. وَغَزِيرُ دَمعي مُهتَدٍ
فيهِ وَقَلبي حائِرُ

3. I have flowing sorrows on my cheek
And a house that is ever on the move

٣. لي عَبرَةٌ في الخَدِّ سا
ئِرَةٌ وَبَيتٌ سائِرُ

4. If you would line your eyes with his face
While my glance moves over it

٤. فَلَوِ اِكتَحَلتَ بِوَجهِهِ
وَالطَرفُ مِنهُ سائِرُ

5. And on his cheeks are wonders
For the gatherer of radiant beams

٥. وَبِوَجنَتَيهِ بَدائِعٌ
لِلجُلِّنارِ ضَرائِرُ

6. You would see a source of outpouring
That has no origin

٦. لَرَأَيتَ حَتفَ مَوارِدٍ
لَيسَت لَهُنَّ مَصادِرُ