
O quarter, if only they had quartered the son of worries,

يا ربع لو ربعوا على ابن هموم

1. O quarter, if only they had quartered the son of worries,
Surrendering to the agony of separation, sick,

١. يا رَبعُ لَو رَبَعوا عَلى اِبنِ هُمومِ
مُستَسلِمٍ لِجَوى الفِراقِ سَقيمِ

2. You used to be known for the best neighbor
From us and the best blood-money and customs,

٢. قَد كُنتَ مَعهوداً بِأَحسَنِ ساكِنٍ
مِنّا وَأَحسَنَ دِمنَةٍ وَرُسومِ

3. The days in you are green,
And fate in me and in you is not miserable,

٣. أَيّامَ لِلأَيّامِ فيكَ غَضارَةٌ
وَالدَهرُ فِيَّ وَفيكَ غَيرُ مُليمِ

4. And the companions of your intimacy have not changed
To the companions of your solitude, complaining constantly,

٤. وَظِباءُ أُنسِكَ لَم تَبَدَّل مِنهُمُ
بِظِباءِ وَحشِكَ ظاعِناً بِمُقيمِ

5. From every evildoer, if he appeared, his glances
Would cut the heart of the evildoer with his eyelids,

٥. مِن كُلِّ ريمٍ لَو تَبَدّى قَطَّعَت
أَلحاظُ مُقلَتِهِ فُؤادَ الريمِ

6. As for passion, it is torment, so if intentions
Flowed in it, how painful for every sufferer,

٦. أَمّا الهَوى فَهوَ العَذابُ فَإِن جَرَت
فيهِ النَوى فَأَليِمُ كُلِّ أَليمِ

7. It ordered endurance with pleasure, burning,
It ordered the stillness of its tears with burning coal,

٧. أَمَرَ التَجَلُّدَ بِالتَلَذُّذِ حُرقَةٌ
أَمَرَت جُمودَ دُموعِهِ بِسُجومِ

8. No, by the long dark nights, painful,
From a passionate lover, sincere,

٨. لا وَالطُلولِ الدارِساتِ أَلِيَّةً
مِن مُعرِقٍ في العاشِقينَ صَميمِ

9. My eyes have never tried to delay an hour,
Since separation became my adversary,

٩. ما حاوَلَت عَيني تَأَخُّرَ ساعَةٍ
فَالدَمعُ مُذ صارَ الفِراقُ غَريمي

10. Absence, the tearful, has not left my essence,
Until it was saturated with poisonous love,

١٠. لَم يَبرَحِ البَينُ المُشِتُّ جَوانِحي
حَتّى تَرَوَّت مِن هَوىً مَسمومِ

11. And it leaned towards my father al-Husayn's side,
Like Mas'ab whose nose was mutilated,

١١. وَإِلى جَنابِ أَبي الحُسَينِ تَشَنَّعَت
بِزِمامِها كَالمُصعَبِ المَخطومِ

12. It came to you terrified in the lands,
And cognizant of the guided, intended place,

١٢. جاءَتكَ في مُعجٍ خَوائِفَ في البُرى
وَعَوارِفٍ بِالمَعلَمِ المَأمومِ

13. From every confidante, as if her skin
Was scraped and its lining with the skin of Atum

١٣. مِن كُلِّ ناجِيَةٍ كَأَنَّ أَديمَها
حيصَت ظِهارَتُهُ بِجِلدِ أَطومِ

14. Smooth its fur when it feels irritation
Revolving like spinning of a spindle,

١٤. تُنئي مِلاطَيها إِذا ما اِستُكرِهَت
سَعدانَةً كَإِدارَةِ الفُرزومِ

15. It sought you from the lineage of Judayl and Shadaqam,
Tribes of tribes of Koum,

١٥. طَلَبَتكَ مِن نَسلِ الجَديلِ وَشَدقَمٍ
كومٍ عَقائِلُ مِن عَقائِلِ كومِ

16. Forgetting the voices of antagonists and their vigor
Confused by the echoes of sound and owls,

١٦. يَنسَينَ أَصواتَ الحُداةِ وَنَبرَها
طَرَباً لِأَصواتِ الصَدى وَالبومِ

17. So they attained the sea of your call, constantly flowing,
A drink, and mother of your call, not barren,

١٧. فَأَصَبنَ بَحرَ نَداكَ غَيرَ مُصَرَّدٍ
وِرداً وَأُمَّ نَداكَ غَيرَ عَقيمِ

18. When they arrived at the coasts of your Sibak,
They camped, then drank the drink of affection,

١٨. لَمّا وَرَدنَ حِياضَ سَيبِكَ طُلَّحاً
خَيَّمنَ ثُمَّ شَرِبنَ شُربَ الهيمِ

19. Indeed, the Caliph and the Caliph before him
Found you a counsel of advice and determination,

١٩. إِنَّ الخَليفَةَ وَالخَليفَةَ قَبلَهُ
وَجَداكَ تِربَ نَصيحَةٍ وَعَزيمِ

20. And they found you praiseworthy, but when they did not
Consult you or put you forward,

٢٠. وَجَداكَ مَحموداً فَلَمّا يَألُوا
لَكَ في مُفاوَضَةٍ وَلا تَقديمِ

21. You kept wearing from this and that, clothes
Of veneration and reverence,

٢١. مازِلتَ مِن هَذا وَذَلِكَ لابِساً
حُلَلاً مِنَ التَبجيلِ وَالتَعظيمِ

22. My soul is your redemption, and the mountains and its people,
In the blackness of wars, confused,

٢٢. نَفسي فِداؤُكَ وَالجِبالُ وَأَهلُها
في طِرمِساءَ مِنَ الحُروبِ بَهيمِ

23. With Dhul-Dhuwayh and Khayzaj and their areas,
A promise to your sword, not insignificant,

٢٣. بِالداذَوَيهِ وَخَيزَجٍ وَذَواتِها
عَهدٌ لِسَيفِكَ لَم يَكُن بِذَميمِ

24. With the Mus'abiyyn, who are like
Lions of thickets and ghosts of evildoers,

٢٤. بِالمُصعَبِيّينَ الَّذينَ كَأَنَّهُم
آسادُ أَغيالٍ وَجِنُّ صَريمِ

25. Like planets illuminating, except they
Were eclipsed by their whiteness with stars,

٢٥. مِثلُ البُدورِ تُضيءُ إِلّا أَنَّها
قَد قُلنِسَت مِن بَيضِها بِنُجومِ

26. The defeated one escaped with them, blaming himself,
Raining in his defeated army,

٢٦. وَلّى بِها المَخذولُ يَعذِلُ نَفسَهُ
مُتَمَطِّراً في جَيشِهِ المَهزومِ

27. They wanted Latyaa, and the one who liberated them
Was the Imam's sword and the call of the oppressed,

٢٧. راموا اللَتَيّا وَالَّتي فَاِعتاقَهُم
سَيفُ الإِمامِ وَدَعوَةُ المَظلومِ

28. You adjured them by God the day you met them
With the horses under the commotion like ostriches

٢٨. ناشَدتَهُم بِاللَهِ يَومَ لَقيتَهُم
وَالخَيلُ تَحتَ عَجاجَةٍ كَالنيمِ

29. And you gave them your advice gently
From a hardened heart, kind,

٢٩. وَمَنَحتَهُم عِظَتَيكَ مِن مُتَوَعِّرٍ
مُتَسَهِّلٍ قاسي الفُؤادِ رَحيمِ

30. Until when they gathered, your might violated their homes
By God, then the eighth infallible one,

٣٠. حَتّى إِذا جَمَحوا هَتَكتَ بُيوتَهُم
بِاللَهِ ثُمَّ الثامِنِ المَعصومِ

31. So the whites of the swords were bared to their necks
And the declaration of Oneness to curses,

٣١. فَتَجَرَّدَت بيضُ السُيوفِ لِهامِهِم
وَتَجَرَّدَ التَوحيدُ لِلتَخريمِ

32. You went against them in the two easts in a battle
Whose lightnings split the mountains of Rome,

٣٢. غادَيتَهُم بِالمَشرِقَينِ بِوَقعَةٍ
صَدَعَت صَواعِقُها جِبالَ الرومِ

33. Rather, sedition brought them out,
Robbing them of freshness and bliss,

٣٣. أَخرَجتَهُم بَل أَخرَجَتهُم فِتنَةٌ
سَلَبَتهُمُ مِن نَضرَةٍ وَنَعيمِ

34. They were moved from Nu'meer water and a life
Of ease to Ghisleen and Hellfire,

٣٤. نُقِلوا مِنَ الماءِ النَمويرِ وَعيشَةٍ
رَغَدٍ إِلى الغِسلينِ وَالزَقّومِ

35. And war knows when an ignorant raid boils
Over the firewood of the broken palm-trunks,

٣٥. وَالحَربُ تَعلَمُ حينَ تَجهَلُ غارَةٌ
تَغلي عَلى حَطَبِ القَنا المَحطومِ

36. That death is subjugated by your might and havoc
Is mixed in your cup of harm and wounds,

٣٦. أَنَّ المَنايا طَوعُ بَأسِكَ وَالوَغى
مَمزوجُ كَأسِكَ مِن رَدىً وَكُلومِ

37. And war rides its head in a scene
Where the foolish is equalized by it with a thousand wise ones,

٣٧. وَالحَربُ تَركَبُ رَأسَها في مَشهَدٍ
عُدِلَ السَفيهُ بِهِ بِأَلفِ حَليمِ

38. In an hour, if Luqman in it
While he is wise became unwise,

٣٨. في ساعَةٍ لَو أَنَّ لُقماناً بِها
وَهوَ الحَكيمُ لَصارَ غَيرَ حَكيمِ

39. The birds of death crouched in their nests
Leaving the birds of mind not crouching,

٣٩. جَثَمَت طُيورُ المَوتِ في أَوكارِها
فَتَرَكنَ طَيرَ العَقلِ غَيرَ جُثومِ

40. And the sword swears that you are the sword that
Did not shake except it uprooted a mighty throne,

٤٠. وَالسَيفُ يَحلِفُ أَنَّكَ السَيفُ الَّذي
ما اِهتَزَّ إِلّا اِجتَثَّ عَرشَ عَظيمِ

41. When misfortunes saw my steps leading
Insistently to you with a cool breeze,

٤١. مَشَتِ الخُطوبُ القَهقَرى لَمّا رَأَت
خَبَبي إِلَيكَ مُؤَكِّداً بِرَسيمِ

42. They hastened farewell without staying
When I hastened to you in submission,

٤٢. فَزَعَت إِلى التَوديعِ غَيرَ لَوابِثٍ
لَمّا فَزَعتُ إِلَيكَ بِالتَسليمِ

43. And time is painful to whoever you shine with blame upon
Except when you make it shine with generosity,

٤٣. وَالدَهرُ أَلأَمُ مَن شَرَقتَ بِلَومِهِ
إِلّا إِذا أَشرَقتَهُ بِكَريمِ

44. You blew the wind of hope for me, so my determination
Proceeded with it until my worries forgot,

٤٤. أَهبَبتَ لي ريحَ الرَجاءِ فَأَقدَمَت
هِمَمي بِها حَتّى اِستَبَحنَ هُمومي

45. You awakened generosity for the generous with a speaker
For your call who disclosed the treasure of every ancient one,

٤٥. أَيقَظتَ لِلكَرَمِ الكِرامَ بِناطِقٍ
لِنَداكَ أَظهَرَ كَنزَ كُلِّ قَديمِ

46. And we do not become, and no generous person do we attain,
Until we wade towards him through a thousand miserable ones,

٤٦. وَلَقَد نَكونُ وَلا كَريمَ نَنالُهُ
حَتّى نَخوضَ إِلَيهِ أَلفَ لَئيمِ

47. You instituted benevolence from the impact of dew,
Institutions that healed our condemned time,

٤٧. فَسَنَنتَ بِالمَعروفِ مِن أَثَرِ النَدى
سُنَناً شَفَت مِن دَهرِنا المَذمومِ

48. And you marked the world with exclusivity, so you marked it
With generosity that shone on the elephant's trunk,

٤٨. وَسَمَ الوَرى بِخَصاصَةٍ فَوَسَمتَهُ
بِسَماحَةٍ لاحَت عَلى الخُرطومِ

49. You uncovered in it with a glance that was not stinted by
Stinginess and was not poured out upon non-existence,

٤٩. جَلَّيتَ فيهِ بِمُقلَةٍ لَم يُقذِها
بُخلٌ وَلَم تُسفَح عَلى مَعدومِ

50. The flowing of sustenance in its glimpses flows
When poured upon a deprived one,

٥٠. يَقَعُ اِنبِساطُ الرِزقِ في لَحَظاتِها
نَسَقاً إِذا وَقَعَت عَلى مَحرومِ

51. And a hand the money's deceit falls in it
Falling like the letter Haa (ھ) in singing (Tarheem),

٥١. وَيَدٍ يَظَلُّ المالُ يَسقُطُ كَيدُهُ
فيها سُقوطَ الهاءِ في التَرخيمِ

52. Say to misfortunes about me, I am
A neighbor of Ishaaq son of Ibraheem.

٥٢. لا يَأمَلُ المالُ النَجاةَ إِذا عَدا
صَرفُ الزَمانِ مُجاءَةً بِعَديمِ

٥٣. قُل لِلخُطوبِ إِلَيكِ عَنّي إِنَّني
جارٌ لِإِسحاقَ بنِ إِبراهيمِ