
Our days were nothing but gifts

أأيامنا ما كنت إلا مواهبا

1. Our days were nothing but gifts
And with the help of the beloved you were gifts

١. أَأَيّامَنا ما كُنتِ إِلّا مَواهِبا
وَكُنتِ بِإِسعافِ الحَبيبِ حَبائِبا

2. We will become strangers again to renew your era in crying
For you were nothing in the days but wonders

٢. سَنُغرِبُ تَجديداً لِعَهدِكِ في البُكا
فَما كُنتِ في الأَيّامِ إِلّا غَرائِبا

3. And a battlefield for yearning that infatuation brought
To the infatuated, the tender-eyed youth were gazelles

٣. وَمُعتَرَكٍ لِلشَوقِ أَهدى بِهِ الهَوى
إِلى ذي الهَوى نُجلَ العُيونِ رَبائِبا

4. Young women visited on short nights
Their beauty seemed to me to be young women

٤. كَواعِبُ زارَت في لَيالٍ قَصيرَةٍ
يُخَيَّلنَ لي مِن حُسنِهِنَّ كَواعِبا

5. They took away the cover of beauty from free faces
That remain for those who stole them, plunderers

٥. سَلَبنا غِطاءَ الحُسنِ عَن حُرِّ أَوجُهٍ
تَظَلُّ لِلُبِّ السالِبيها سَوالِبا

6. Faces that if the earth had planets in it
They would shine for the sublime, and be planets

٦. وُجوهٌ لَوَ اِنَّ الأَرضَ فيها كَواكِبٌ
تَوَقَّدُ لِلساري لَكُنَّ كَواكِبا

7. Ask if I inhabited the expanse while it had mirages
And I left my land from my mounts and mirages

٧. سَلي هَل عَمَرتُ القَفرَ وَهوَ سَباسِبٌ
وَغادَرتُ رَبعي مِن رِكابي سَباسِبا

8. And became estranged until I did not find mention of an east
And I became eastern until I forgot the wests

٨. وَغَرَّبتُ حَتّى لَم أَجِد ذِكرَ مَشرِقٍ
وَشَرَّقتُ حَتّى قَد نَسيتُ المَغارِبا

9. Misfortunes, when I faced them, repelled me
Wounded as if I had faced disasters

٩. خُطوبٌ إِذا لاقَيتُهُنَّ رَدَدنَني
جَريحاً كَأَنّي قَد لَقيتُ الكَتائِبا

10. And whoever did not surrender to adversities
His manners became rebellious adversities against him

١٠. وَمَن لَم يُسَلِّم لِلنَوائِبِ أَصبَحَت
خَلائِقُهُ طُرّاً عَلَيهِ نَوائِبا

11. The sword named death may deceive
And the triumphant man may return defeated

١١. وَقَد يَكهَمُ السَيفُ المُسَمّى مَنِيَّةً
وَقَد يَرجِعُ المَرءُ المُظَفَّرُ خائِبا

12. The affliction of that one is that he does not encounter a blow
And the affliction of that one is that he does not encounter a striker

١٢. فَآفَةُ ذا أَلّا يُصادِفَ مَضرِباً
وَآفَةُ ذا أَلّا يُصادِفَ ضارِبا

13. And I was filled with sorrows that ambition concealed
As I inclined towards the highest resolve, setting and declining

١٣. وَمَلآنَ مِن ضِغنٍ كَواهُ تَوَقُّلي
إِلى الهِمَّةِ العُليا سَناماً وَغارِبا

14. I witnessed the greatest heights while it was absent
And even if it were also present, it would still be absent

١٤. شَهِدتُ جَسيماتِ العُلى وَهوَ غائِبٌ
وَلَو كانَ أَيضاً شاهِداً كانَ غائِبا

15. We emulated its processions which made
Of grief in the barren land, processions

١٥. إِلى الحَسَنِ اِقتَدنا رَكائِبَ صَيَّرَت
لَها الحَزنَ مِن أَرضِ الفَلاةِ رَكائِبا

16. I cast my determination to it as if
I had disturbed a star in the universe, piercing

١٦. نَبَذتُ إِلَيهِ هِمَّتي فَكَأَنَّما
كَدَرتُ بِهِ نَجماً عَلى الدَهرِ ثاقِبا

17. And I was a man who met time peacefully
But I came to only meet it as an adversary

١٧. وَكُنتُ اِمرَءاً أَلقى الزَمانَ مُسالِماً
فَآلَيتُ لا أَلقاهُ إِلّا مُحارِبا

18. If its manners were divided, you would not find
A blemisher or a manners among people as fault-finding

١٨. لَوِ اِقتُسِمَت أَخلاقُهُ الغُرُّ لَم تَجِد
مَعيباً وَلا خَلقاً مِنَ الناسِ عائِبا

19. If you wanted to count its generous palms
Then be a writer or employ a writer

١٩. إِذا شِئتَ أَن تُحصي فَواضِلَ كَفِّهِ
فَكُن كاتِباً أَو فَاِتَّخِذ لَكَ كاتِبا

20. Its gifts are the achievements except as a sign
That called those achievements and those gifts

٢٠. عَطايا هِيَ الأَنواءُ إِلّا عَلامَةً
دَعَت تِلكَ أَنواءً وَتِلكَ مَواهِبا

21. It is the rain, if I exaggerated intentionally in describing it
I would lie in my praise of it, and I was no liar

٢١. هُوَ الغَيثُ لَو أَفرَطتُ في الوَصفِ عامِداً
لِأَكذِبَ في مَدحيهِ ما كُنتُ كاذِبا

22. Its wealth plundered the heights so the obligatory alms
Imposed on it what was not obligatory

٢٢. ثَوى مالُهُ نَهبَ المَعالي فَأَوجَبَت
عَلَيهِ زَكاةُ الجودِ ما لَيسَ واجِبا

23. You look good in its eyes if you are a visitor
And look better whenever you come seeking

٢٣. تُحَسَّنُ في عَينَيهِ إِن كُنتَ زائِراً
وَتَزدادُ حُسناً كُلَّما جِئتَ طالِبا

24. The cheek of heights made giving and piety
Consequences from a custom that consequences sufficed

٢٤. خَدينُ العُلى أَبقى لَهُ البَذلُ وَالتُقى
عَواقِبَ مِن عُرفٍ كَفَتهُ العَواقِبا

25. The consultations of experiences lengthen its opinion
When those of sound judgement consult experiences

٢٥. تَطولُ اِستِشاراتُ التَجارِبِ رَأيَهُ
إِذا ما ذَوو الرَأيِ اِستَشاروا التَجارِبا

26. I am innocent of hopes while there are many
With you, even if they come to you inclining and desiring

٢٦. بِرِئتُ مِنَ الآمالِ وَهيَ كَثيرَةٌ
لَدَيكَ وَإِن جاءَتكَ حُدباً لَواغِبا

27. Was I ever but a sinner the day I turned
Away from you to hopes and so I came repenting

٢٧. وَهَل كُنتُ إِلّا مُذنِباً يَومَ أَنتَحي
سِواكَ بِآمالٍ فَأَقبَلتُ تائِبا