
She showed sorrow when she saw me free of youth,

أبدت أسى أن رأتني مخلس القصب

1. She showed sorrow when she saw me free of youth,
And turned from wonder to wonder.

١. أَبدَت أَسىً أَن رَأَتني مُخلِسَ القُصَبِ
وَآلَ ما كانَ مِن عُجبٍ إِلى عَجَبِ

2. Twenty six she calls me, yet I follow her,
To gray hair, wronging and loving not.

٢. سِتٌّ وَعِشرونَ تَدعوني فَأَتبَعُها
إِلى المَشيبِ وَلَم تَظلِم وَلَم تَحُبِ

3. My day from fate is like fate, intent
On resolve, determination, striving like epochs.

٣. يَومي مِنَ الدَهرِ مِثلُ الدَهرِ مُشتَهِرٌ
عَزماً وَحَزماً وَساعي مِنهُ كَالحِقَبِ

4. Consider me small that grayness shines on my youth,
And great that in the cradle I was not gray.

٤. فَأَصغِري أَنَّ شَيباً لاحَ بي حَدَثاً
وَأَكبِري أَنَّني في المَهدِ لَم أَشِبِ

5. Let not the blinking of dimness trouble you,
For that is the smile of reason and propriety.

٥. وَلا يُؤَرِّقكِ أَيماضُ القَتيرِ بِهِ
فَإِنَّ ذاكَ اِبتِسامُ الرَأيِ وَالأَدَبِ

6. She saw his harshness so her passions were aroused,
And she said to her unrest, spill your tears.

٦. رَأَت تَشَنُّنَهُ فَاِهتاجَ هائِجُها
وَقالَ لاعِجُها لِلعَبرَةِ اِنسَكِبي

7. Do not deny his sternness though it is concealed,
For the sword is not despised if it has sheaths.

٧. لا تُنكِري مِنهُ تَخديداً تَجَلَّلَهُ
فَالسَيفُ لا يُزدَرى إِن كانَ ذا شُطَبِ

8. Only care from a man dispels care,
Who shakes the sturdy she-camels' humps.

٨. لا يَطرُدُ الهَمَّ إِلّا الهَمُّ مِن رَجُلٍ
مُقَلقِلٍ لِبَناتِ القَفرَةِ النُعُبِ

9. When distresses turn, you see him resist them
With his cheeks' towers against the assaults.

٩. ماضٍ إِذا الكُرَبُ اِلتَفَّت رَأَيتَ لَهُ
بِوَخدِهِنَّ اِستِطالاتٍ عَلى النُوَبِ

10. Dawn will spend the night for a man
Often mentioning consent in times of anger.

١٠. سَتُصِبحُ العيسُ بي وَاللَيلُ عِندَ فَتىً
كَثيرِ ذِكرِ الرِضا في ساعَةِ الغَضَبِ

11. I turned from him but his affection turned not
From me, and my hopes resumed unfailing.

١١. صَدَفتُ عَنهُ فَلَم تَصدِف مَوَدَّتُهُ
عَنّي وَعاوَدَهُ ظَنّي فَلَم يَخِبِ

12. Like rain, if you meet it its drizzle comforts you,
And if you leave it, it seeks you.

١٢. كَالغَيثِ إِن جِئتَهُ وافاكَ رَيِّقُهُ
وَإِن تَحَمَّلتَ عَنهُ كانَ في الطَلَبِ

13. Of praiseworthy traits he fulfilled permanence so he
Became the apple of glory and nobility's eye.

١٣. خَلائِقَ الحَسَنِ اِستَوفي البَقاءَ فَقَد
أَصبَحتِ قُرَّةَ عَينِ المَجدِ وَالحَسَبِ

14. It is as if it were of his traits forever
Though he dwelled alone in a formidable desert.

١٤. كَأَنَّما هُوَ مِن أَخلاقِهِ أَبَداً
وَإِن ثَوى وَحدَهُ في جَحفَلٍ لَجِبِ

15. A splendid nature was fashioned for him of gold
But it destroyed people for gold.

١٥. صيغَت لَهُ شَيمَةٌ غَرّاءُ مِن ذَهَبٍ
لَكِنَّها أَهلَكُ الأَشياءِ لِلذَهَبِ

16. When he saw propriety in one lacking nobility
Lost or nobility in one lacking propriety,

١٦. لَمّا رَأى أَدَباً في غَيرِ ذي كَرَمٍ
قَد ضاعَ أَو كَرَماً في غَيرِ ذي أَدَبِ

17. He reached for the highest company, and they gathered
In his deed like the joining of light and herbage.

١٧. سَما إِلى السورَةِ العَلياءِ فَاِجتَمَعا
في فِعلِهِ كَاِجتِماعِ النَورِ وَالعُشُبِ

18. I have tested your affection while my days are blemished,
Affection was found sweeter than drink.

١٨. بَلَوتُ مِنكَ وَأَيّامي مُذَمَّمَةٌ
مَوَدَّةً وُجِدَت أَحلى مِنَ النَشَبِ

19. With no past reason, it sufficed as reason
For the noble that a noble acknowledge with no reason.

١٩. مِن غَيرِ ما سَبَبٍ ماضٍ كَفى سَبَباً
لِلحُرِّ أَن يَعتَفي حُرّاً بِلا سَبَبِ