
Flow your tears to an abode and her stout dwellers,

أهد الدموع إلى دار وماصحها

1. Flow your tears to an abode and her stout dwellers,
For dwellings share in her spilling flanks,

١. أَهدِ الدُموعَ إِلى دارٍ وَماصِحَها
فَلِلمَنازِلِ سَهمٌ في سَوافِحِها

2. Time wizened all through its disasters
And a parting that darkens the world for its saver.

٢. أَشلى الزَمانُ عَلَيها كُلَّ حادِثَةٍ
وَفُرقَةٍ تُظلِمُ الدُنيا لِنازِحِها

3. Truly I swear her drink declined
For who passed by her from her praiseworthy tribe,

٣. حَلَفتُ حَقّاً لَقَد قَلَّت مَلاحَتُها
بِمَن تُخُرِّمَ عَنها مِن مَلائِحِها

4. If they move far and my dangers on a liver -
My tears won't settle, unlike her constant one.

٤. إِن تَبرَحا وَتَباريحي عَلى كَبِدٍ
ما تَستَقِرُّ فَدَمعي غَيرُ بارِحِها

5. A home whose love I hold back from meeting with harm
In journeying, except my eye from her springs,

٥. دارٌ أُجِلُّ الهَوى عَن أَن أُلِمَّ بِها
في الرَكبِ إِلّا وَعَيني مِن مَنائِحِها

6. When I describe to my soul her abandonment, it hides,
And secrets of yearning in the far reaches of its wings,

٦. إِذا وَصَفتُ لِنَفسي هَجرَها جَمَحَت
وَدائِعُ الشَوقِ في أَقصى جَوانِحِها

7. And if I solicit her patience, the wound's agony
Bleeds in its limbs from the pain of her distress,

٧. وَإِن خَطَبتُ إِلَيها صَبرَها جَعَلَت
جِراحَةُ الوَجدِ تَدمى في جَوارِحِها

8. As though fate twisted on a hope -
It left behind one regretting with his wailing sigh.

٨. ما لِلفَيافي وَتِلكَ العيسُ قَد خُزِمَت
فَلَم تَظَلَّم إِلَيها مِن صَحاصِحِها

9. It listens to speech with an ear like that of doves
To a song when she marvels at it from her gathering place,

٩. فُتلٌ إِذا اِبتَكَرَ الغادي عَلى أَمَلٍ
خَلَّفنَهُ يَزجُرُ الحَسرى بِرائِحِها

10. Until in time she returns as though a jujube tree stands in her way
Thrusting its thorns in the water course from its thickets,

١٠. تُصغي إِلى الحَدوِ إِصغاءَ القِيانِ إِلى
نَغمٍ إِذا اِستَغرَبَتهُ مِن مَطارِحِها

11. Of generous deeds by lineage attributed
To whom Blame has never pastured in her meadows,

١١. حَتّى تؤوبَ كَأَنَّ الطَلحَ مُعتَرِضٌ
بِشَوكِهِ في المَآقي مِن طَلائِحِها

12. Mecca’s foundation, and the life of its virginity
Grey hairs never descended in the folds of its plains,

١٢. إِلى الأَكارِمِ أَفعالاً وَمُنتَسَباً
لَم يَرتَعِ الذَمُّ يَوماً في طَوائِحِها

13. A folk who found refuge in it before the doves within
Between its sobbing mourner and its wailing woman,

١٣. آساسُ مَكَّةَ وَالدُنيا بِعُذرَتِها
لَم يَنزِلِ الشَيبُ في مَثنى مَسائِحِها

14. They were mountains to it before the mountains while they
Flowed, and no torrents coursed in its dunes,

١٤. قَومٌ هُمُ أَمِنوا قَبلَ الحَمامِ بِها
مِن بَينِ ساجِعِها الباكي وَنائِحِها

15. And excellence - even if darkness blankets its field
Its shining lantern manifests from its lights,

١٥. كانوا الجِبالَ لَها قَبلَ الجِبالِ وَهُم
سالوا وَلَم يَكُ سَيلٌ في أَباطِحِها

16. Plentiful bounty from her benevolence sown in it and spread
Lands whose camels are directed to its eulogist,

١٦. وَالفَضلُ إِن شَمِلَ الإِظلامُ ساحَتَها
مِصباحُها المُتَجَلّي مِن مَصابِحِها

17. She won't startle the youthful hero of glory with arrowheads
To a lad of her age among her piercing ones,

١٧. مِن خَيرِها مَغرِساً فيها وَأَوسَعِها
شِعباً تُحَطُّ إِلَيهِ عيرُ مادِحِها

18. Until she hands that bow its loosed shots
Truly casting its kindling fire by her igniting place,

١٨. لا تَفتَ تُزجي فَتِيَّ العيسِ سَاهِمِةً
إِلى فَتى سِنِّها مِنها وَقارِحِها

19. Like lightning in the interior of a flashing one
Its roar concealed in the ear of its barking female hound,

١٩. حَتّى تُناوِلَ تِلكَ القَوسَ بارِيَها
حَقّاً وَتُلقي زِناداً عِندَ قادِحِها

20. A death bringing, sharpened blade from her incisors
A cutting iron that shields from her sheets.

٢٠. كَأَنَّ صاعِقَةً في جَوفِ بارِقَةٍ
زَئيرُهُ واغِلاً في أُذنِ نابِحِها

21. One who wards off and refuses in affairs, and who else
Are the gems of birds but in the limbs of its wings?

٢١. سِنانُ مَوتٍ ذُعافٍ مِن أَسِنَّتِها
صَفيحَةٌ تُتَحامى مِن صَفائِحِها

22. Hashim - for the nose of the fault finder - so be elevated
Hashim - his excellence in her the son of her good one.

٢٢. ذو تَدرَءٍ وَإِباءٍ في الأُمورِ وَهَل
جَواهِرُ الطَيرِ إِلّا في جَوارِحِها

23. O envier of superiority, I don't know you crowding
For a flood while to me you are none but one of its swimmers,

٢٣. هَشماً لِأَنفِ المُسامي حَينَهُ فَسَما
لِهاشِمٍ فَضلُها فيها اِبنُ صالِحِها

24. For a star fleeing from the palm of its toucher
And a boulder with its poison in the horn of its piercer.

٢٤. يا حاسِدَ الفَضلِ لا أَعرِفكَ مُحتَشِداً
لِغَمرَةٍ أَنتَ عِندي غَيرُ سابِحِها

Don't say we are from the same source, for

٢٥. لِكَوكَبٍ نازِحٍ مِن كَفِّ لامِسِهِ
وَصَخرَةٍ وَسمُها في قَرنِ ناطِحِها

26. The haunches of she-camels appeared from its fresh flowing waters,
An ignoble fabricator covers himself in his manufactures

٢٦. وَلا تَقُل إِنَّنا مِن نَبعَةٍ فَلَقَد
بانَت نَجائِبُ إِبلٍ مِن نَواضِحِها

27. As men cover themselves from their disgraces,

٢٧. سَميدَعٌ يَتَغَطّى مِن صَنائِعِهِ
كَما تَغَطّى رِجالٌ مِن فَضائِحِها

28. The musk purse cannot hide its scent
With the dress's length nor conceal its disgrace,

٢٨. وَفارَةُ المِسكِ لا يُخفي تَضَوُّعَها
طولُ الحِجابِ وَلا يُزرى بِفائِحِها

29. By God, your cheek that aspired - how did it perturb you
O you, for her aspiration?

٢٩. لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ في الخَودِ الَّتي طَمَحَت
ما كانَ أَرقاكَ يا هَذا لِطامِحِها

30. She of the immaculate chest - no night in its entry
Of disgrace nor dawn in its disgracer,

٣٠. نَقِيَّةُ الجَيبِ لا لَيلٌ بِمُدخِلِها
في بابِ عَيبٍ وَلا صُبحٌ بِفاضِحِها

31. You seized her as the lion seized its dreadful prey
In the thicket, and the star closer than its mating place,

٣١. أَخَذتَها لَبوَةَ العِرّيسِ مُلبِدَةً
في الغابِ وَالنَجمُ أَدنى مِن مَناكِحِها

If not for the father of cubs courting her

٣٢. لَو أَنَّ غَيرَ أَبي الأَشبالِ صافَحَها
شَكَّت بِمَخلَبِها كَفَّي مُصافِحِها

33. She would have ripped your palms, o suitor, with her claw,
She came with two noble hawks, and if weighed

٣٣. جاءَت بِصَقرَينِ غِطريفَينِ لَو وُزِنا
بِهَضبِ رَضوى إِذاً ما لا بِراجِحِها

34. Against the plateau of Radwa, then no outweighing them,

٣٤. بِهاشِمِيَّينِ بَدرِيَّينِ إِن لَحَجَت
مَغالِقُ الدَهرِ كانا مِن مَفاتِحِها

35. Two Hashimite, Badrite ones, if she disputed
The cosmos' keys - they would be among her openers,

٣٥. نَصلانِ قَد أُثبِتا في قَلبِ شانِئِها
نارَينِ أوقِدَتا في كَشحِ كاشِحِها

36. Two swords implanted in the heart of her hater
Two fires ignited in the armpit of her disputant,

٣٦. وَكَذَّبَ اللَهُ أَقوالاً قُرِفتَ بِها
بِحُجَّةٍ تُسرَجُ الدُنيا بِواضِحِها

And God belied claims woven around her

٣٧. مُضيئَةٍ نَطَقَت فينا كَما نَطَقَت
ذَبيحَةُ المُصطَفى موسى لِذابِحِها

38. With proof illuminating the world with its light,
Glowing, it spoke in us as the sacrifice

٣٨. لَئِن قَليبُكَ جاشَت بِالسَماحَةِ لي
لَقَد وَصَلتُ بِشُكري حَبلَ ماتِحِها

39. Of the Chosen One spoke to Moses for its slaughterer,

٣٩. وَقَد رَأَتني قُرَيشٌ ساحِباً رَسَني
إِلَيكَ عَن طَلقِها وَجهاً وَكالِحِها

40. If your heart boils over with generosity, then for me
I have joined my gratitude to the rope of its unlooser,

٤٠. إِذا القَصائِدُ كانَت مِن مَدائِحِهِم
فَأَنتَ لا شَكَّ عِندي مِن مَدائِحِها

41. And Quraysh saw me pleading, dejected,
To you from her smooth cheek and its seeker.

٤١. وَإِن غَرائِبُها أَجدَبنَ مِن بَلَدٍ
كانَت عَطاياكَ أَندى مِن مَسارِحِها

When poems were from their praises
