1. People in Habina saw the adornment of my saddlebags
From fine craft and stitching, new and antique.
١. يَقولُ أُناسٌ في حَبيناءَ عايَنوا
عِمارَةَ رَحلي مِن طَريفٍ وَتالِدِ
2. "Did you find buried treasure or raid by night
Hotheads whose rage boiled, no one to curb it?"
٢. أَصادَفتَ كَنزاً أَم صَبَحتَ بِغارَةٍ
ذَوي غِرَّةٍ حاميهُمُ غَيرُ شاهِدِ
3. I said, "It's neither this nor that, my way
Rather I came from being with Khaled."
٣. فَقُلتُ لَهُم لا ذا وَلا ذاكَ دَيدَني
وَلَكِنَّني أَقبَلتُ مِن عِندِ خالِدِ
4. I pulled his rope on Saturday dawn, pulled hard,
He fell dead amid odes I had composed.
٤. جَذَبتُ نَداهُ غُدوَةَ السَبتِ جَذبَةً
فَخَرَّ صَريعاً بَينَ أَيدي القَصائِدِ
5. So I was blessed by his bounty, pure and plentiful,
Wounds in the hearts of the envious multitudes.
٥. فَأُبتُ بِنُعمى مِنهُ بَيضاءَ لَدنَةٍ
كَثيرَةِ قَرحٍ في قُلوبِ الحَواسِدِ
6. It is the star of good fortune when a man's bounty
Makes all others but it seem effaced, no longer radiant.
٦. هِيَ الناهِدُ الرَيا إِذا نِعمَةُ اِمرِئٍ
سُواهُ غَدَت مَمسوحَةً غَيرَ ناهِدِ
7. I climbed the heights of earth and poetry praising
Him, so climbed by his power the peaks of praise.
٧. فَزَعتُ عِقابَ الأَرضِ وَالشِعرِ مادِحاً
لَهُ فَاِرتَقى بي في عِقابِ المَحامِدِ
8. He clothed me in the mothers of his lineages noble,
I clothed him in the mothers of my necklaces and jewels.
٨. فَأَلبَسَني مِن أُمَّهاتِ تِلادِهِ
وَأَلبَستُهُ مِن أُمَّهاتِ قَلائِدي