
I am under the protection of the generous one, safe

أنا في ذمة الكريم سليما

1. I am under the protection of the generous one, safe
From the protector, the passionate lover, the man of resolve

١. أَنا في ذِمَّةِ الكَريمِ سُلَيما
نَ السَليمِ الهَوى الرَئيفِ الهُمامِ

2. I confided my concerns to him with the resolve of a spearhead
My burden weighed heavy on the days

٢. نُطتُ هَمّي مِنهُ بِهِمَّةِ قَرمٍ
ثَقَّلَت وَطأَتي عَلى الأَيّامِ

3. With the sword of speech and opinion I strike
When swords are unsheathed from scabbards

٣. بِحُسامِ اللِسانِ وَالرَأيِ أَمضى
حينَ يُنضى مِنَ الجُرازِ الحُسامِ

4. Majid whose care for me was excessive until
I imagined it was but a dream

٤. ماجِدٌ أَفرَطَت عِنايَتُهُ حَت
تى تَوَهَّمتُ أَنَّها في المَنامِ

5. Whichever horizon I headed towards
I found it before me

٥. ما تَوَجَّهتُ نَحوَ أُفقٍ مِنَ الآفا
قِ إِلّا وَجَدتُها مِن أَمامي

6. Each day I see the bestowal of my father Nasr
Upon us effortlessly with the slightest words

٦. كُلَّ يَومٍ تَرى نَوالَ أَبي نَص
رٍ لَنا عُرضَةً بِأَدنى الكَلامِ

7. I have not ceased to be in his esteemed, generous custody
Until I thought that I was in his custody

٧. لَم أَزَل في ذِمامِهِ المُعظَمِ المُك
رَمِ حَتّى ظَنَنتُهُ في ذِمامي

8. O Sulaiman, may God prosper a land
In which you are at the start of the clouds

٨. يا سُلَيمانُ تَرَّفَ اللَهُ أَرضاً
أَنتَ فيها بِمُستَهِلِّ الغَمامِ

9. By my life, I already have enough of your
Supplications when I was living in Damascus

٩. وَلَعَمري لَقَد كُفيتُ لَكَ الدَع
وَةَ إِذ كُنتُ شاتِياً بِالشَآمِ

10. I, thriving, in Homs in every type
Of abundance and profusion

١٠. أَنا ثاوٍ بِحِمصَ في كُلِّ ضَربٍ
مِن ضُروبِ الإِكثارِ وَالإِفحامِ

11. Every youth I fear when I see him
Approaching, that he will greet me with peace

١١. كُلُّ فَدمٍ أَخافُ حينَ أَراهُ
مُقبِلاً أَن يَشُجَّني بِالسَلامِ

12. Raising his palm to my righteousness but I do not
Think he came to me for anything but food

١٢. رافِعاً كَفَّهُ لِبِرّي فَلا أَح
سِبُهُ جاءَني لِغَيرِ اللِطامِ

13. So by my right, unless you single out Abul Tayyib
From me with the finest greetings

١٣. فَبِحَقّي إِلّا خَصَصتَ أَبا الطَي
يِبِ عَنّي بِطَيِّبٍ مِن سَلامي

14. And my praise now and later
My thanks offered to the Servant of Peace

١٤. وَثَنائي مِن قَبلِ هَذا وَمِن بَع
دُ وَشُكري غَضٌّ لِعَبدِ السَلامِ