1. O adorner of the world and unifier of its people,
Whose justice completes its splendor,
١. أَيا زينَةَ الدُنيا وَجامِعَ شَملِها
وَمَن عَدلُهُ فيها تَمامُ بَهائِها
2. O sun of its lands whose light has been perfected,
So the lands paled before the sun of His splendor.
٢. وَيا شَمسَ أَرضيها الَّتي تَمَّ نورُها
فَباهَت بِهِ الأَرضونَ شَمسَ بَهائِها
3. Your gift does not cease, and it captures mortality,
And maintains the faces of those who desire its water.
٣. عَطاؤُكَ لا يَفنى وَيَستَغرِقُ المُنى
وَيُبقي وُجوهَ الراغِبينَ بِمائِها
4. Eyes glance at me from every side,
As if I am a dubious one among them in my stumbling.
٤. تَرامَتنِيَ الأَبصارُ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
كَأَنّي مُريبٌ بَينَها لِاِرتِمائِها
5. And I have retainers whose success has been inherited from me,
While your glory is the lowest guide in fulfilling it.
٥. وَلي عِدَةٌ قَد راثَ عَنّي نَجاحُها
وَمَجدُكَ أَدنى رائِدٍ في اِقتِضائِها
6. I complained but complaining is no habit for my soul,
Rather the soul overflows when it is filled up.
٦. شَكَوتُ وَما الشَكوى لِنَفسِيَ عادَةٌ
وَلَكِن تَفيضُ النَفسُ عِندَ اِمتِلائِها
7. And I have no intercessor other than yourself, truly I
Am destitute of the world despite its beauty.
٧. وَمالي شَفيعٌ غَيرَ نَفسِكَ إِنَّني
ثَكِلتُ مِنَ الدُنيا عَلى حُسنِ وائِها