1. The vicissitudes of fate turned a deaf ear to reproach,
Lying in ambush with calamities and disasters.
١. رَيبُ دَهرٍ أَصَمَّ دونَ العِتابِ
مُرصِدٌ بِالأَوجالِ وَالأَوصابِ
2. The freshness of life has faded away and so our souls are snatched
Without any regard or calculation.
٢. جَفَّ دَرُّ الدُنيا فَقَد أَصبَحَت تَك
تالُ أَرواحَنا بِغَيرِ حِسابِ
3. Had she appeared unveiled she would have been disgraced, but
The beauty of her face was enhanced by the veil.
٣. لَو بَدَت سافِراً أُهينَت وَلَكِن
شَعَفَ الخَلقَ حُسنُها في النِقابِ
4. Indeed the vicissitudes of time know how to guide
Misfortunes to those of intellect and reason.
٤. إِنَّ رَيبَ الزَمانِ يُحسِنُ أَن يُه
دي الرَزايا إِلى ذَوي الأَحسابِ
5. That is why freshness withers after flourishing
Before gardens bloom, deserts do.
٥. فَلِهَذا يَجِفُّ بَعدَ اِخضِرارٍ
قَبلَ رَوضِ الوِهادِ رَوضُ الرَوابي
6. His eyes did not turn away from attending to serious matters until
The power of the lords was shaken.
٦. لَم تَدُر عَينُهُ عَنِ الحُمسِ حَتّى
ضَعضَعَت رُكنَ حِميَرَ الأَربابِ
7. With them perished the pearl of the false dawn,
Beauty and the darling of the prayer niche.
٧. بَطَشَت مِنهُم بِلُؤلُؤَةِ الغَوّا
صِ حُسناً وَدُميَةِ المِحرابِ
8. With the plain spoken and the most eloquent,
And the most reasonable of reasonable men.
٨. بِالصَريحِ الصَريحِ وَالأَروَعِ الأَر
وَعِ مِنهُم وَبِاللُبابِ اللُبابِ
9. O Muhammad, the outstanding qualities
Of your clear days have certainly gone.
٩. ذَهَبَت يا مُحَمَّدُ الغُرُّ مِن أَيّا
مِكَ الواضِحاتِ أَيَّ ذَهابِ
10. The tomb and the earth frowned upon your face
Which was neither frowning nor sullen.
١٠. عَبَّسَ اللَحدُ وَالثَرى مِنكَ وَجهاً
غَيرَ ما عابِسٍ وَلا قَطّابِ
11. The tomb and the earth extinguished the light
Of your shining lamp in the darkness of confused minds.
١١. أَطفَأَ اللَحدُ وَالثَرى لُبَّكَ المُس
رَجَ في وَقتِ ظُلمَةِ الأَلبابِ
12. You moved to a known abode that is called
The severer of causes.
١٢. وَتَبَدَّلتَ مَنزِلاً ظاهِرَ الجَد
بِ يُسَمّى مُقَطِّعَ الأَسبابِ
13. A lonely abode, even though thronged
By the coming of the trustworthy and loved ones.
١٣. مَنزِلاً موحِشاً وَإِن كانَ مَع
موراً بِحِلِّ الصَديقِ وَالأَحبابِ
14. O shooting star that descended on the family of Ubaydullah
He is sore distressed by the loss of this shooting star.
١٤. يا شِهاباً خَبا لِآلِ عُبَيدِ الل
لَهِ أَعزِز بِفَقدِ هَذا الشِهابِ
15. A fresh flower whose glory
Blossomed in a delicate and gentle court.
١٥. زَهرَةٌ غَضَّةٌ تَفَتَّقَ عَنها ال
مَجدُ في مَنبِتٍ أَنيقِ الجَنابِ
16. A manner like wine or the drizzle of a water-skin,
Or like perfume or dissolving snow.
١٦. خُلُقٌ كَالمُدامِ أَو كَرِضابِ المِس
كِ أَو كَالعَبيرِ أَو كَالمُلابِ
17. Vigorously alive beyond any blemish,
Radiantly youthful beyond any artifice.
١٧. وَحياً ناهيكَ في غَيرِ عِيٍّ
وَصِباً مُشرِقٌ بِغَيرِ تَصابِ
18. The days brought him down from their backs
After he had established himself in the saddle.
١٨. أَنزَلَتهُ الأَيّامُ عَن ظَهرِها مِن
بَعدِ إِثباتِ رِجلِهِ في الرِكابِ
19. When he had reached the prime of youth and life
Had opened its doors to him.
١٩. حينَ سامى الشَبابَ وَاِغتَدَتِ الدُن
يا عَلَيهِ مَفتوحَةَ الأَبوابِ
20. And related the warrior girt with his polished sword except that
His adornment was the jewels of high principles.
٢٠. وَحكى الصارِمَ المُحَلّى سِوى أَنَّ
حُلاهُ جَواهِرُ الآدابِ
21. He was most resolute in his opinions and wisdom, a rending
Of veils, then most resolute in granting gifts, a rending of youth.
٢١. وَهوَ غَضُّ الآراءِ وَالحَزمِ خِرقٌ
ثُمَّ غَضُّ النَوالِ غَضُّ الشَبابِ
22. Death approached him until
It bestowed the beauty of his face upon the dust.
٢٢. قَصَدَت نَحوَهُ المَنِيَّةُ حَتّى
وَهَبَت حُسنَ وَجهِهِ لِلتُرابِ