1. I sacrifice myself for you, O Abdullah, in my mind
After being distant and separated from you.
١. جُعِلتُ فِداكَ عَبدَ اللَهِ عِندي
بِعَقبِ الهَجرِ مِنهُ وَالبِعادِ
2. You have a group of eloquent writers
Who have fulfilled the right of visitation and affection.
٢. لَهُ لُمَةٌ مِنَ الكُتّابِ بيضٌ
قَضَوا حَقَّ الزِيارَةِ وَالوِدادِ
3. And I reckon their day, if you do not find them,
Coincides with an invocation from them out of commitment.
٣. وَأَحسِبُ يَومَهُم إِن لَم تَجُدهُم
مُصادِفَ دَعوَةٍ مِنهُم جَمادِ
4. So how many clear camels have journeyed,
And others from you with kindness have departed.
٤. فَكَم نَوءٍ مِنَ الصَهباءِ سارٍ
وَآخَرَ مِنكَ بِالمَعروفِ غادِ
5. This one takes the first draughts of my water skin,
And that one takes the remaining sips of my water bag,
٥. فَهَذا يَستَهِلُّ عَلى غَليلي
وَهَذا يَستَهِلُّ عَلى تِلادي
6. Quenching the thirst of every valley and plain,
And watering every settled and nomad place.
٦. وَيَسقي ذا مَذانِبَ كُلِّ عِرقٍ
وَيُترِعُ ذا قَرارَةَ كُلِّ وادِ
7. I invoked them for you, and you were among those
Whom we appoint regarding noble deeds.
٧. دَعَوتُهُمُ عَلَيكَ وَكُنتَ مِمَّن
نُعَيِّنُهُ عَلى العُقَدِ الجِيادِ