
Know, though you are not taught, and understand me,

إعلم وأنت المرء غير معلم

1. Know, though you are not taught, and understand me,
I sacrifice myself for you, though you do not understand.

١. إِعلَم وَأَنتَ المَرءُ غَيرَ مُعَلَّمِ
وَاِفهَم جُعِلتُ فِداكَ غَيرَ مُفَهَّمِ

2. That practicing courtesy without having learned it
Is like wearing a coat you cannot fasten.

٢. أَنَّ اِصطِناعَ العُرفِ ما لَم تولِهِ
مُستَكمَلاً كَالبُردِ ما لَم يُعلَمِ

3. Gratitude unexpressed is like lines you read
But cannot decipher into meaningful script.

٣. وَالشُكرُ ما لَم تَستَتِر بِصَنيعِهِ
كَالخَطِّ تَقرَؤُهُ وَلَيسَ بِمُعجَمِ

4. Be concise in your speech though eloquent,
For noble deeds need few words to adorn them.

٤. وَتَفَنُّني في القَولِ إِكثارٌ وَقَد
أَسرَجتَ في كَرَمِ الفَعالِ فَأَلجِمِ