1. Mock, deny, and anger as you will, you are excused
The lion of nobility is not nurtured by swine
١. صَرِّد وَنَكِّد وَزَنِّد أَنتَ مَعذورُ
أُسدُ الشَرى لَيسَ تُنميها الخَنازيرُ
2. Alas! He who raced to the heights was hindered
By the past that burdened and impeded him
٢. هَيهاتَ خَفَّ إِلى الغاياتِ لاحِقُها
سَبقاً وَأَثقَلَكَ الحالومُ وَالصيرُ
3. In insulting a man I revealed his nature
Though in villainy notorious, he feels wronged
٣. إِنّي بِشَتمِ اِمرِئٍ أَكدَت خَليقَتُهُ
وَكانَ بِاللُؤمِ مَشهوراً لَمَعذورُ
4. O nature that time has inclined to evil
God's punishment does not deter its change
٤. يا خِلقَةً قَد أَمالَ الدَهرُ أَشطُرَها
لَم يَكفِها مِن عِقابِ اللَهِ تَغييرُ
5. Ghailan and his followers did not err
If your fate did not err against you
٥. لَم يُخطِىءِ الرَأيَ غيلانٌ وَشيعَتُهُ
إِن لَم تَكُن أَخطَأَت فيكَ المَقاديرُ
6. Is it the gentle breeze of blame that softened you
How then if gales of sin blew?
٦. أَمِن نَسيمِ الهِجاءِ اِنفَلَّ حَدُّكُمُ
فَكَيفَ لَو قَد عَلَت تِلكَ الأَعاصيرُ
7. Look at them, God spared us their plight
Hands are rocks, consciences are rubble
٧. اُنظُر إِلَيهِم كَفانا اللَهُ أَمرَهُمُ
أَيدٍ صُخورٌ وَأَعراضٌ قَواريرُ
8. Glory lies in ruins, its foundations
Toppled, to rebuild homes and abodes
٨. مَجدٌ تَهَدَّمَ حَتّى صارَ مُحكَمُهُ
نَقضاً تُرَمُّ بِهِ الآطامُ وَالدورُ
9. Courtyards of evil, by God's grace, are lifeless
The exalted in them are base, the flies buzzing
٩. ساحاتُ سوءٍ بِحَمدِ اللَهِ مَيِّتَةٌ
فيها العُلا حَيَّةٌ فيها الزَنابيرُ