
You glanced upon my secret love, O you who abase

فحواك عين على نجواك يا مذل

1. You glanced upon my secret love, O you who abase
A resolute man whom your words cannot deter

١. فَحواكَ عَينٌ عَلى نَجواكَ يا مَذِلُ
حَتّامَ لا يَتَقَضّى قَولُكَ الخَطِلُ

2. And the most foolish one you complain your love to
Is one who finds rejection to be the best thing from him

٢. وَإِنَّ أَسمَجَ مَن تَشكو إِلَيهِ هَوىً
مَن كانَ أَحسَنَ شَيءٍ عِندَهُ العَذَلُ

3. The faces of pleasures have not been cheerful
Since the days of our youth passed with sorrows

٣. ما أَقبَلَت أَوجُهُ اللَذّاتِ سافِرَةً
مُذ أَدبَرَت بِاللِوى أَيّامُنا الأُوَلُ

4. If you want to see no patience in one showing patience
Then look at the state the remnants have reached

٤. إِن شِئتَ أَلّا تَرى صَبراً لِمُصطَبَرٍ
فَاِنظُر عَلى أَيِّ حالٍ أَصبَحَ الطَلَلُ

5. Our tears, when they left, changed its tune
As they were copiously flowing down

٥. كَأَنَّما جادَ مَغناهُ فَغَيَّرَهُ
دُموعُنا يَومَ بانوا وَهيَ تَنهَمِلُ

6. If only you could see us and them and our stance
At the mourning place for our inaugural elegy

٦. وَلَو تَراهُم وَإِيّانا وَمَوقِفَنا
في مَأتَمِ البَينِ لِاِستِهلالِنا زَجَلُ

7. With burning caused by parting that captured
A heart, and knots in its throat out of agony

٧. مِن حُرقَةٍ أَطلَقَتها فُرقَةٌ أَسَرَت
قَلباً وَمِن غَزَلٍ في نَحرِهِ عَذَلُ

8. Yearning has folded within our chests with separation
An eye has folded it within its lids due to sleeplessness

٨. وَقَد طَوى الشَوقَ في أَحشائِنا بَقَرٌ
عَينٌ طَوَتهُنَّ في أَحشائِها الكِلَلُ

9. The night charmed us until every enchanted one
Became busy with another, distracted from each other

٩. فَرَغنَ لِلسِحرِ حَتّى ظَلَّ كُلُّ شَجٍ
حَرّانَ في بَعضِهِ عَن بَعضِهِ شُغُلُ

10. It puts to shame the kohl in the eyes of the coquettish
And exposes the kohl on her eyelids

١٠. يُخزي رُكامَ النَقا ما في مَآزِرِها
وَيَفضَحُ الكُحلَ في أَجفانِها الكَحَلُ

11. The souls are almost transferred if left
From the bodies to them where they head towards

١١. تَكادُ تَنتَقِلُ الأَرواحُ لَو تُرِكَت
مِنَ الجُسومِ إِلَيها حَيثُ تَنتَقِلُ

12. Blood was shed for them as if it was
The blood of camels for sacrifice in Mecca

١٢. طُلَّت دِماءٌ هُريقَت عِندَهُنَّ كَما
طُلَّت دِماءُ هَدايا مَكَّةَ الهَمَلُ

13. Everything became cheap so he spills it
Even homes, enclosures, and camels

١٣. هانَت عَلى كُلِّ شَيءٍ فَهوَ يَسفِكُها
حَتّى المَنازِلُ وَالأَحداجُ وَالإِبِلُ

14. With the eighth successor, its foundations expanded
With the extending kingdom and no defects

١٤. بِالقائِمِ الثامِنِ المُستَخلَفِ اِطَّأَدَت
قَواعِدُ المُلكِ مُمتَدّاً لَها الطِوَلُ

15. With al-Mu'tasim's divine aid, no affection
For the kingdom since he unified its horizons without any cracks

١٥. بِيُمنِ مُعتَصِمٍ بِاللَهِ لا أَوَدٌ
بِالمُلكِ مُذ ضَمَّ قُطرَيهِ وَلا خَلَلُ

16. It gratifies the subjects that Allah, All-Powerful,
Gave them through Abu Ishaq what they asked for

١٦. يَهني الرَعِيَّةَ أَنَّ اللَهَ مُقتَدِراً
أَعطاهُمُ بِأَبي إِسحاقَ ما سَأَلوا

17. If an equivalent in the immediate could replace
The deferred promise, there would be a replacement

١٧. لَو كانَ في عاجِلٍ مِن آجِلٍ بَدَلٌ
لَكانَ في وَعدِهِ مِن رِفدِهِ بَدَلُ

18. The poetry perplexed me as I stayed up for it
Until I thought its rhymes would fight each other

١٨. تَغايَرَ الشِعرُ فيهِ إِذ سَهِرتُ لَهُ
حَتّى ظَنَنتُ قَوافيهِ سَتَقتَتِلُ

19. If I had not accepted the advice of determination to journey
Both journey and camel would race me to it

١٩. لَولا قَبولِيَ نُصحَ العَزمِ مُرتَحِلاً
لَراكَضاني إِلَيهِ الرَحلُ وَالجَمَلُ

20. It has gardens of dew whose flowers
Were not spoiled and no diseases crept between them

٢٠. لَهُ رِياضُ نَدىً لَم يُكبِ زَهرَتَها
خُلفٌ وَلَم تَتَبَختَر بَينَها العِلَلُ

21. An expanse where no foot settled on it
Except stumbling and slipping departed from it

٢١. مَدى العُفاةِ فَلَم تَحلُل بِهِ قَدَمٌ
إِلّا تَرَحَّلَ عَنها العَثرُ وَالزَلَلُ

22. He does not care who he favored with his generosity
Which quarter inadequacy embraced

٢٢. ما إِن يُبالي إِذا حَلّى خَلائِقَهُ
بِجودِهِ أَيَّ قُطرَيهِ حَوى العَطَلُ

23. It is as if his money and generosity destroy it
As if lavishness or voluntary charity erased it

٢٣. كَأَنَّ أَموالَهُ وَالبَذلُ يَمحَقُها
نَهبٌ تَعَسَّفَهُ التَبذيرُ أَو نَفَلُ

24. You were valiant, or actually kind, or even self-sufficient in that
You are undoubtedly easy and gentle on mountain and plain

٢٤. شَرَستَ بَل لِنتَ بَل قانَيتَ ذاكَ بِذا
فَأَنتَ لا شَكَّ فيكَ السَهلُ وَالجَبَلُ

25. My hand is a pledge for whoever willed it, it has not tasted
From your comfort, it does not know honey or beeswax

٢٥. يَدي لِمَن شاءَ رَهنٌ لَم يَذُق جُرَعاً
مِن راحَتَيكَ دَرى ما الصابُ وَالعَسَلُ

26. May God send blessings upon al-'Abbas, and bodies
Rolled in the dust which floods of calamity drowned

٢٦. صَلّى الإِلَهُ عَلى العَبّاسِ وَاِنبَجَسَت
عَلى ثَرىً حَلَّهُ الوَكّافَةُ الهُطُلُ

27. That one who even if people were his offspring
Neither cowardice nor stinginess would satisfy him

٢٧. ذاكَ الَّذي كانَ لَو أَنَّ الأَنامَ لَهُ
نَسلٌ لَما راضَهُم جُبنٌ وَلا بَخَلُ

28. The father of stars that did not spare its piercing one
That its constellation be Taurus or Aries

٢٨. أَبو النُجومِ الَّتي ما ضَنَّ ثاقِبُها
أَن لَم يَكُن بُرجُهُ ثَورٌ وَلا حَمَلُ

29. In every major conflict, the buyer is not known in it
Nor can planets or fortune influence it

٢٩. مِن كُلِّ مُشتَهَرٍ في كُلِّ مُعتَرَكٍ
لَم يُعرَفِ المُشتَري فيهِ وَلا زُحَلُ

30. Its brilliance or lion-likeness protect it
From being disgraced by a man or from men, the man

٣٠. يَحميهِ لَألاؤُهُ أَو لَوذَعِيَّتُهُ
مِن أَن يُذالَ بِمَن أَو مِمَّنِ الرَجُلُ

31. A dreadful situation where its heroes are silenced
In it, the swords and the straightened blades speak

٣١. وَمَشهَدٍ بَينَ حُكمِ الذُلِّ مُنقَطِعٌ
صاليهِ أَو بِحِبالِ المَوتِ مُتَّصِلُ

32. One cannot hope to cross its abyss
With words unless action was a bridge for it

٣٢. ضَنكٍ إِذا خَرِسَت أَبطالُهُ نَطَقَت
فيهِ الصَوارِمُ وَالخَطِّيَةُ الذُبُلُ

33. You attacked while death's obvious image emerged
And terminations have branched out in its joints

٣٣. لا يَطمَعُ المَرءُ أَن يَجتابَ غَمرَتَهُ
بِالقَولِ ما لَم يَكُن جِسراً لَهُ العَمَلُ

34. You exposed its vulnerabilities with striking while it was protected
Where alarm and panic are firm in it

٣٤. جَلَّيتَ وَالمَوتُ مُبدٍ حُرَّ صَفحَتِهِ
وَقَد تَفَرعَنَ في أَوصالِهِ الأَجَلُ

35. O People of the Prophet, when darkness descends
You are for us torches while you are for it flames

٣٥. أَبَحتَ أَوعارَهُ بِالضَربِ وَهوَ حِمىً
لِلحَربِ يَثبُتُ فيهِ الرَوعُ وَالوَهَلُ

36. They find their death pleasant as if they
Do not despair of life when they are killed

٣٦. آلُ النَبِيِّ إِذا ما ظُلمَةٌ طَرَقَت
كانوا لَنا سُرُجاً أَنتُم لَها شُعَلُ

37. A people, when they promise or are promised
They overwhelm with truth the return of what they said and did

٣٧. يَستَعذِبونَ مَناياهُم كَأَنَّهُمُ
لا يَيأَسونَ مِنَ الدُنيا إِذا قُتِلوا

38. The lions of a den, when panic spends the night with them
Or spends the night with it but its lions are absent

٣٨. قَومٌ إِذا وَعَدوا أَو أَوعَدوا غَمَروا
صِدقاً ذَوائِبَ ما قالوا بِما فَعَلوا

39. The hands of death reach the sudden end
When a champion from them wields a sword

٣٩. أُسدُ عَرينٍ إِذا ما الرَوعُ صَبَّحَها
أَو صَبَّحَتهُ وَلَكِن غَابُها الأَسَلُ

40. So the times are sick, or its affection is corrected
For today is the first day I hoped for healing

٤٠. تَناوَلُ الفَوتَ أَيدي المَوتِ قادِرَةً
إِذا تَناوَلَ سَيفاً مِنهُمُ بَطَلُ

41. I brought my journey near to the cities whose generosity
Welcomes pleasure wherever I seek pleasure

٤١. لِيَسقَمِ الدَهرُ أَو تَصحِح مَوَدَّتُهُ
فَاليَومَ أَوَّلَ يَومٍ صَحَّ لي أَمَلُ

42. Keen decisiveness that crushes stinginess protects it
Generosity and honor that degrades wealth adorn it

٤٢. أَدنَيتُ رَحلي إِلى مُدنٍ مَكارِمَهُ
إِلَيَّ يَهتَبِلُ اللَذ حَيثُ أَهتَبِلُ

43. A mind that if it approves, it thereby approves all affairs
A view in which patience and haste have become refined

٤٣. يَحميهِ حَزمٌ لِحَزمِ البُخلِ مُهتَضِمٌ
جوداً وَعِرضٌ لِعِرضِ المالِ مُبتَذِلُ

44. The interpretation has come making excuses
For inadequacy unless God and camel help me

٤٤. فِكرٌ إِذا راضَهُ راضَ الأُمورَ بِهِ
رَأيٌ تَفَنَّنَ فيهِ الرَيثُ وَالعَجَلُ

45. You have certainly adorned the Commander of the Faithful with it
With a necklace whose strung verses flowed well or were exemplary

٤٥. قَد جاءَ مِن وَصفِكَ التَفسيرُ مُعتَذِراً
بِالعَجزِ إِن لَم يُغِثني اللَهُ وَالجُمَلُ

46. It is a stranger which company makes it familiar
Thus it does not alight upon a people and then depart

٤٦. لَقَد لَبِستَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ بِها
حَلياً نِظاماهُ بَيتٌ سارَ أَو مَثَلُ

47. My hand is pledged, tasteless of your comfort
Nor knowing the honeycomb and honey

٤٧. غَريبَةٌ تُؤنِسُ الآدابُ وَحشَتَها
فَما تَحُلُّ عَلى قَومٍ فَتَرتَحِلُ