1. Patience with what is delayed, as long as it is not marred by lies,
For hardships, when endured, are followed by comfort.
١. صَبراً عَلى المَطلِ ما لَم يَتلُهُ الكَذِبُ
فَلِلخُطوبِ إِذا سامَحتَها عُقَبُ
2. Blaming fate, though blamed by the just, is vain,
While striving and seeking rest with me.
٢. عَلى المَقاديرِ لَومٌ إِن رُميتُ بِهِ
مِن عادِلٍ وَعَلَيَّ السَعيُ وَالطَلَبُ
3. O King, unseen, whose generosity
Is hoped for by those seeking your grace.
٣. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ النائي بِرُؤيَتِهِ
وَجودُهُ لِمُرَجّي جودِهِ كَثِبُ
4. You are not veiled from me, though my hopes seem blocked,
For the sky is hoped for when clouds mass.
٤. لَيسَ الحِجابُ بِمُقصٍ عَنكَ لي أَمَلاً
إِنَّ السَماءَ تُرَجّى حينَ تَحتَجِبُ
5. Nothing below your door is a door for me,
No shelter or goal beyond You I seek.
٥. ما دونَ بابِكَ لي بابٌ أَلوذُ بِهِ
وَلا وَراءَكَ لي مَثوىً وَمُطَّلَبُ
6. O best of those whose ears have heard, whose eyes have seen,
And whose door the Arabs have frequented.
٦. يا خَيرَ مَن سَمِعَت أُذنٌ بِهِ وَرَأَت
عَينٌ وَمَن وَرَدَت أَبوابَهُ العَرَبُ
7. Silence hides feelings beyond limit,
While in your words, riches flow, freely grabbed.
٧. أَمّا السُكوتُ فَمَطوِيٌّ عَلى عِدَةٍ
وَفي كَلامِكَ غُرُّ المالِ يُنتَهَبُ