
O you who don the garb of seamanship proudly

يا لابسا ثوب الملاحة أبله

1. O you who don the garb of seamanship proudly
Yet you are most deserving of wearing it

١. يا لابِساً ثَوبَ المَلاحَةِ أَبلِهِ
فَلَأَنتَ أَولى لابِسيهِ بِلُبسِهِ

2. God did not give you what He gave you
Until he belittled his full moon and his sun

٢. لَم يُعطِكَ اللَهُ الَّذي أَعطاكَهُ
حَتّى اِستَخَفَّ بِبَدرِهِ وَبِشَمسِهِ

3. A colt when he releases his soul
In his vigor, modesty commands his restraint

٣. رَشَأً إِذا ما كانَ يُطلِقُ نَفسَهُ
في فَتكِهِ أَمَرَ الحَياءُ بِحَبسِهِ

4. And I who gave him pure passion
And its essence, and took the excuse of his intimacy

٤. وَأَنا الَّذي أَعطَيتُهُ مَحضَ الهَوى
وَصَميمَهُ وَأَخَذتُ عُذرَةَ أُنسِهِ

5. So if I reaped its fruits and planted it
I was not the first to reap from its planting

٥. فَلَئِن جَنَيتُ ثِمارَهُ وَغَرستُهُ
ما كُنتُ أَوَّلَ مَن جَنى مِن غَرسِهِ

6. My master, o my master, owner of grief
In his day, and youthfulness in his past

٦. مَولاكَ يا مَولايَ صاحِبُ لَوعَةٍ
في يَومِهِ وَصَبابَةٍ في أَمسِهِ

7. A generous man who gives his soul until indeed
He has become weak to give his soul

٧. دَنِفٌ يَجودُ بِنَفسِهِ حَتّى لَقَد
أَمسى ضَعيفاً أَن يَجودَ بِنَفسِهِ