
See how truthful the winds have been

ألا ترى ما أصدق الأنواء

1. See how truthful the winds have been
They have devastated the chamber and shelter

١. أَلا تَرى ما أَصدَقَ الأَنواءَ
قَد أَفنَتِ الحَجرَةَ وَاللَأواءَ

2. If you were to squeeze a rock it would become water
From a night we spent with a tender companion

٢. فَلَو عَصَرتَ الصَخرَ صارَ ماءَ
مِن لَيلَةٍ بِتنا بِها لَيلاءَ

3. If it comes back as a night of separation
The earth will become, then, a sky

٣. إِن هِيَ عادَت لَيلَةً عِداءا
أَصبَحَتِ الأَرضُ إِذَن سَماءَ