1. The land of Abdoon is well-watered,
So its plants grow easily and necessarily.
١. إِنَّ عَبدونَ أَرضُهُ مَمطورَه
فَهيَ طَوعٌ نَباتُها وَضَرورَه
2. He made things easy when he dug with a shovel,
So it became smooth and passable.
٢. سَهَّلَ الأَمرَ إِذ تَوَعَّرَ بِالشَع
رِ فَجاءَت سُهولَةً وَوُعورَه
3. He did his best and strove,
When it used to be hard to pierce the bottle.
٣. أَعمَلَ النَتفَ وَاِطَّلى وَقَديماً
كانَ صَعباً أَن تُشعَبَ القارورَه
4. Do not fight the regiments of black poetry ignorantly,
For they are victorious.
٤. لا تُقاتِل كَتائِبَ الشَعَرِ الأَس
وَدِ جَهلاً فَإِنَّها مَنصورَه
5. You will gain nothing even if you were Qaroon, the rich,
And bought the path of light.
٥. لَيسَ تُغنى شَيئاً وَلَو كُنتَ قارو
نَ الغِنى وَاِشتَرَيتَ دَربَ النورَه