1. A'tubah, though nights have been long upon you
My poetry remains potent when recited
١. أَعُتبَةُ إِن تَطاوَلَتِ اللَيالي
عَلَيكَ فَإِنَّ شِعري سَمُّ ساعَه
2. And old age came upon you only
With the traits of meanness and indecency
٢. وَما وَفَدَ المَشيبُ عَلَيكَ إِلّا
بِأَخلاقِ الدَناءَةِ وَالوَضاعَه
3. So I bear witness you dared against me only
While Zaid, your servant, excelled in bravery
٣. فَأَشهَدُ ما جَسَرتَ عَلَيَّ إِلّا
وَزَيدُ الخَيلِ عَبدُكَ في الشَجاعَه
4. And your face, which you deemed sufficient as companion
You are its sole weaver, in contentment
٤. وَوَجهُكَ إِذ قَنِعتَ بِهِ نَديماً
فَأَنتَ نَسيجُ وَحدِكَ في القَناعَه
5. If I were to change it for another face
I would not pray with it in congregation
٥. فَلَو بُدِّلتُهُ وَجهاً إِذَن لَم
أُصَلِّ بِهِ نَهاراً في جَماعَه
6. But you were granted it as a weapon
With which, if you rebelled, you would not obey
٦. وَلَكِن قَد رُزِقتَ بِهِ سِلاحاً
لَوِ اِستَعصَيتَ ما أَدَّيتَ طاعَه
7. The pedigree of dogs has been distributed, so leave it be
It is not like your common lineage
٧. مَناسِبُ كَلبَ قَد قُسِمَت فَدَعها
فَلَيسَت مِثلَ نِسبَتِكَ المُشاعَه
8. And rest your shoulders, for they have been returned
As wreckage from your bustling in wastelands
٨. وَرَوِّح مِنكَبَيكَ فَقَد أُعيدا
حُطاماً مِن زِحامِكَ في قُضاعَه
9. And let not the rogues delude you, whobanded together
To support you with shaving and tattered robes
٩. وَلا يَغرُركَ أَوغادٌ تَعاوَوا
لِنَصرِكَ بِالحُلاقِ وَبِالرَقاعَه
10. They saw me as their enemy wherever I was
While you were their partner in the profession
١٠. رَأَوني حَيثُ كُنتُ لَهُم عَدُوّاً
وَأَنتَ لَهُم شَريكٌ في الصِناعَه