
O Yusuf, you have come with such amazing wonders

أيوسف جئت بالعجب العجيب

1. O Yusuf, you have come with such amazing wonders
Leaving people in doubtful suspicion

١. أَيوسُفُ جِئتَ بِالعَجَبِ العَجيبِ
تَرَكتَ الناسَ في شَكٍّ مُريبِ

2. I have heard every ignorant blabberer
But never a refined poet

٢. سَمِعتُ بِكُلِّ داهِيَةٍ نَآدٍ
وَلَم أَسمَع بِسَرّاجٍ أَديبِ

3. If only your ignorance were knowledge
You could have penetrated the unseen world

٣. أَما لَو أَنَّ جَهلَكَ كانَ عِلماً
إِذَن لَنَفَذتَ في عِلمِ الغُيوبِ

4. You have no connection with the strange, but
Your bizarre behavior is the strange thing

٤. وَما لَكَ بِالغَريبِ يَدٌ وَلَكِن
تَعاطيكَ الغَريبَ هُوَ الغَريبِ

5. If Zuhair's tomb were dug up
He would wail and weep

٥. فَلَو نُبِشَ المَقابِرُ عَن زُهَيرٍ
لَصَرَّحَ بِالعَويلِ وَبِالنَحيبِ

6. When were his rhymes ever dependents
On the commentary of physician Buqrat

٦. مَتى كانَت قَوافيهِ عِيالاً
عَلى تَفسيرِ بُقراطِ الطَبيبِ

7. How could this be when poetry still has water
Upon which blows the basil of hearts

٧. وَكَيفَ وَلَم يَزَل لِلشِعرِ ماءٌ
يَرُفُّ عَلَيهِ رَيحانُ القُلوبِ

8. You have strayed far from reason until
You turned whichever way in the near

٨. تَزَحزَحَ عَن بَعيدِ العَقلِ حَتّى
تَوَجَّهَ أَن تَوَجَّهَ في القَريبِ

9. I see your injustice as justice and right
While my sin toward you absolves sins

٩. أَرى ظُلميكَ إِنصافاً وَعَدلاً
وَذَنبي فيكَ تَكفيرُ الذُنوبِ