1. Do not inherit the leniencies of rent and prostitution for the son of Al-A'mash the appraiser from him
Look at the son of two fornicators, you will find them both
١. لا تَرثِ لِاِبنِ الأَعمَشِ الكَشخانِ مِن
رُخصِ الإِجارَةِ وَالبَغاءِ لَدَيهِ
2. A pair of horns butting into his eyes
He blocked the way for the old procuress of Fiash
٢. أُنظُر إِلى اِبنِ الزانِيَينِ تَجِدهُما
قِرنَينِ يَصطَرِعانِ في عَينَيهِ
3. And tilted the delegation of copulators towards him
I did not think of him, rather I thought
٣. قَطَعَ الطَريقَ عَلى فِياشِ عَجوزِهِ
وَأَمالَ وَفدَ النايِكينَ إِلَيهِ
4. Of which dry wood he will be crucified on
٤. ما فِكرَتي فيهِ وَلَكِن فِكرَتي
في أَيرِ جَيّافٍ يَقومُ عَلَيهِ