1. It's as if I never confided my troubles to you both,
Nor did you see my burning agitation and anxiety.
١. كَأَنّي لَم أَبُثَّكُما دَخيلي
وَلَم تَرَيا وُلوعي مِن ذُهولي
2. I left my eyelids burning and bleeding,
To shed tears unjustly and excessively.
٢. وَتَركي مُقلَتي تَحمى وَتَدمى
فَتَدمَعُ في الحُقوقِ وَفي الفُضولِ
3. My respite came to my heart through weeping and wailing,
And in Alexandria the plan of a house was drawn,
٣. كِلاني إِنَّ راحاتي تَأَتَّت
لِقَلبي في البُكاءِ وَفي العَويلِ
4. Which when it collapsed, I was patient and strong.
I remembered in it and through it my forgotten torments,
٤. وَبِالإسكَندَرِيّةِ رَسمُ دارٍ
عَفَت فَعَفَوتُ مِن صَبري وَحولي
5. My burning regrets inflamed the calamities I bore.
It continues to revive sorrow and longing
٥. ذَكَرتُ بِهِ وَفيهِ مُنسِياتي
عَزايَ مُسَعِّراتِ لَظى غَليلي
6. For it and for the morals of enduring men.
I have missed you for so long with every kind of loss,
٦. وَما زالَت تُجِدُّ أَسىً وَشَوقاً
لَهُ وَعَلَيهِ إِخلاقُ الطُلولِ
7. And news of your affairs overwhelmed all resolution.
Its setbacks erased the paths of meaning,
٧. فَقَدتُكَ مِن زَمانٍ كُلَّ فَقدٍ
وَغالَت حادِثاتِكَ كُلُّ غولِ
8. And its night extinguished the lamps of reason.
So the intelligent cannot comprehend its wonders,
٨. مَحَت نَكَباتُهُ سُبُلَ المَعاني
وَأَطفَأَ لَيلُهُ سُرُجَ العُقولِ
9. Nor can the astute conceive its meaning.
If the unveiling of it were published for Khalil,
٩. فَما حِيَلُ الأَريبِ بِمُدرِكاتٍ
عَجائِبَهُ وَلا فِكَرُ الأَصيلِ
10. Its mysteries would elude the understanding of Khalil.
Live in comfort or cease to tend to my rights,
١٠. فَلَو نُشِرَ الخَليلُ لَهُ لَعَفَّت
رَزاياهُ عَلى فِطَنِ الخَليلِ
11. Connect or never connect my line.
When I see you and who sees you straying,
١١. أَعَيّاشُ اِرعَ أَو لا تَرعَ حَقّي
وَصِل أَو لا تَصِل أَبَداً وَسيلي
12. You will wear the garb of uncertainty and speculation.
Epic poems forget the reading of your father,
١٢. أَراكَ وَمَن أَراكَ الغَيَّ رُشداً
سَتَلبَسُ حُلَّتَي قالٍ وَقيلِ
13. The books of my father's tribe.
If I were like you, would hope be expected,
١٣. مَلاحِمُ مِن لُبابِ الشِعرِ تُنسي
قِراةَ أَبيكَ كُتبَ أَبي قَبيلِ
14. Given my confused affairs and worries surround me?
The fancy of postponed ambition misleads me,
١٤. أَمِثلُكَ يُرتَجى لَولا تَنائي
أُموري وَاِلتِياثي في حَويلي
15. The certainty of present despair at hand thwarts me.
A hope that displaced the breadth of my heart,
١٥. تَوَهُّمُ آجِلِ الطَمَعِ المُفيتي
تَيَقُّنُ عاجِلِ اليَأسِ المَنيلِ
16. As miserliness occupies the heart of the miser.
And a view that shook my good faith until
١٦. رَجاءٌ حَلَّ مِن عَرَصاتِ قَلبي
مَحَلَّ البُخلِ مِن قَلبِ البَخيلِ
17. Its waters flowed over my honor and integrity.
So my stance awaiting you brings benefit
١٧. وَرَأيٌ هَزَّ حُسنَ الظَنِّ حَتّى
جَرى ماءاهُ في عَرضي وَطولي
18. Like the early morning rain on arid ruins.
And I bent my wishes within my own breast,
١٨. فَأَجدى مَوقِفي بِنَداكَ جَدوى
وُقوفِ الصَبِّ بِالطَلَلِ المُحيلِ
19. As sight lingers on the soft cheek.
I once took pride in contentment more than the content,
١٩. وَأَعكَفتُ المُنى في ذاتِ صَدري
عُكوفَ اللَحظِ في الخَدِّ الأَسيلِ
20. Who forfeited ignorance for great disgrace.
So I became more abject than the subtle meaning,
٢٠. وَكُنتُ أَعَزَّ عِزّاً مِن قَنوعٍ
تَعَوَّضَهُ صَفوحٌ عَن جَهولِ
21. Which in its poverty needs a brilliant mind.
So I don't know whether it's me who strayed
٢١. فَصِرتُ أَذَلَّ مِن مَعنىً دَقيقٍ
بِهِ فَقرٌ إِلى ذِهنٍ جَليلِ
22. Or you who abandoned excellence.
When did the harvest ripen and branches thrive
٢٢. فَما أَدري عَمايَ عَنِ اِرتِيادي
دَهاني أَم عَماكَ عَنِ الجَميلِ
23. If their roots were rotten?
I blamed you for neglect yet you are vain,
٢٣. مَتى طابَت جَنىً وَزَكَت فُروعٌ
إِذا كانَت خَبيثاتِ الأُصولِ
24. Wronging you, for you don't deserve neglect.
Though both your parents are from Yemen,
٢٤. نَدَبتُكَ لِلجَزيلِ وَأَنتَ لَغوٌ
ظَلَمتُكَ لَستَ مِن أَهلِ الجَزيلِ
25. The origins of your fortune are from thieves.
Go slowly, your ignorance will soon pass,
٢٥. كِلا أبَوَيكَ مِن يَمَنٍ وَلَكِن
كِلا أَبَوَي نَوالِكَ مِن سَلولِ
26. Leaving you in long disgrace.
When you plot against me, reduce it, for your fires
٢٦. رُوَيدَكَ إِنَّ جَهلَكَ سَوفَ يَجلو
لَكَ الظَلماءَ عَن خِزيٍ طَويلِ
27. Are fewer than the few.
The bitterness of this abode will pardon you
٢٧. وَأَقلِل إِنَّ كَيدَكَ حينَ تَصلى
بِنيراني أَقَلُّ مِنَ القَليلِ
28. And disappear in the sweetness of departure.
I will moan knowing no cure will heal
٢٨. مَراراتُ المُقامِ عَلَيكَ تَعفو
وَتَذهَبُ في حَلاواتِ الرَحيلِ
29. My sickness, like knots or shackles.
Even if your hand were a thousand seas
٢٩. سَأَظعَنُ عالِماً أَن لَيسَ بُرءٌ
لِسُقمي كَالوَسيجِ وَكَالذَميلِ
30. Overflowing, each sea pouring a thousand Niles.
٣٠. وَلَو كانَت يَمينُكَ أَلفَ بَحرٍ
يَفيضُ لِكُلِّ بَحرٍ أَلفُ نيلِ