
My youth has passed, yet my night does not end

أفنى وليلي ليس يفنى آخره

1. My youth has passed, yet my night does not end
Whence came its flow? Where went its source?

١. أَفنى وَلَيلي لَيسَ يَفنى آخِرُه
هاتا مَوارِدُهُ فَأَينَ مَصادِرُه

2. The eyes of my critics close satisfied
That he will not rest though cares converse with him

٢. نامَت عُيونُ الشامِتينَ تَيَقُّناً
أَن لَيسَ يَهجَعُ وَالهُمومُ تُسامِرُه

3. Parting has uncovered its sorrows and gone is he
Who once was shy to screen himself from me

٣. أَسرَ الفِراقُ عَزائَهُ وَنَأى الَّذي
قَد كانَ يَستَحيِيهِ إِذ يَستاسِرُه

4. Nothing hurts a lover, so when the beloved
Turns from him, everything hurts him

٤. لا شَيءَ ضائِرُ عاشِقٍ فَإِذا نَأى
عَنهُ الحَبيبُ فَكُلُّ شَيءٍ ضائِرُه

5. O questioner, I explain my absent one until
You feel as if you are in his presence

٥. يا أَيُّهاذا السائِلي أَنا شارِحٌ
لَكَ غائِبي حَتّى كَأَنَّكَ حاضِرُه

6. I and victory and acceptance of his neighbor
Are like the sea that desires none but its neighbor

٦. إِنّي وَنَصراً وَالرِضا بِجِوارِهِ
كَالبَحرِ لا يَبغي سِواهُ مُجاوِرُه

7. None who is sure of Nasr as his supporter
Fears any betrayal from his days

٧. ما إِن يَخافُ الخَذلَ مِن أَيّامِهِ
أَحَدٌ تَيَقَّنَ أَنَّ نَصراً ناصِرُه

8. Abu Al-Abbas’ constitution and pillars
Would ransom those who do not ransom him

٨. يَفدي أَبا العَبّاسِ مَن لَم يَفدِهِ
مِن لائِميهِ جِذمُهُ وَعَناصِرُه

9. Inciting panegyrists as though he comes
To eulogize him but finds him vying

٩. مُستَنفِرٌ لِلمادِحينَ كَأَنَّما
آتيهِ يَمدَحُهُ أَتاهُ يُفاخِرُه

10. What do you think of one who saw you eulogizing him
As worthy and put his fate in your hands?

١٠. ماذا تَرى فيمَن رَآكَ لِمَدحِهِ
أَهلاً وَصارَت في يَدَيكَ مَصايِرُه

11. He resisted events until they denied
Him, but destiny insists on overcoming him

١١. قَد كابَرَ الأَحداثَ حَتّى كَذَّبَت
عَنهُ وَلَكِنَّ القَضاءَ يُكابِرُه

12. Rein in the nights of his epoch with your palm
For time acts submissive to your command

١٢. مُر دَهرَهُ بِالكَفِّ عَن جَنَباتِهِ
فَالدَهرُ يَفعَلُ صاغِراً ما تامُرُه

13. Do not forget one who did not forget your praise
And hopes under cover of darkness you remember him

١٣. لا تَنسَ مَن لَم يَنسَ مَدحَكَ وَالمُنى
تَحتَ الدُجى يَزعُمنَ أَنَّكَ ذاكِرُه

14. Rise early, for the choicest lyrics have risen early
To praise you; the earliest matter is the best

١٤. اُبكُر فَقَد بَكَرَت عَلَيكَ بِمَدحِهِ
غُرَرُ القَصائِدِ خَيرُ أَمرٍ باكِرُه

15. The first of his poetry meets you, so begin
With its beginning that its end may be yours

١٥. لاقاكَ أَوَّلُهُ بِأَوَّلِ شِعرِهِ
فَأَهِب بِأَوَّلِهِ يَكُن لَكَ آخِرُه

16. Nothing is finer than my poetry circulating
And your echo through the horizons accompanying it

١٦. لا شَيءَ أَحسَنُ مِن ثَنائِيَ سائِراً
وَنَداكَ في أُفقِ البِلادِ يُسايِرُه

17. When the hoped-for youth has perfected his reason
In himself and his call, his poet has perfected it

١٧. وَإِذا الفَتى المَأمولُ أَنجَحَ عَقلَهُ
في نَفسِهِ وَنَداهُ أَنجَحَ شاعِرُه