
A refuge for the vice of idleness to revel in,

حجى لحمى البطالة مستبيح

1. A refuge for the vice of idleness to revel in,
And a measure for virtues to aspire to.

١. حِجىً لِحِمى البَطالَةِ مُستَبيحُ
وَقَدرٌ لِلمَكارِمِ مُستَميحُ

2. So no inspired heart stirred,
By a purpose cast, nor wakeful eyelid stirred.

٢. فَلا قَلبٌ قَريحٌ قَلَّبَتهُ
نَوىً قَذَفٌ وَلا جَفنٌ قَريحُ

3. But an ambition gone astray and a delusion
With which in glory, he sets out at dawn or returns at eve.

٣. وَلَكِن هِمَّةٌ شَطَطٌ وَهَمٌّ
بِهِ في المَجدِ يَغدو أَو يَروحُ

4. I shall blame a white threshold with rhymed prose,
Alike if they or the fresh north wind be stirred.

٤. سَأَعتِبُ عُتبَةً بِمُقَفَّياتٍ
سَواءٌ هُنَّ وَالصابُ الجَديحُ

5. They pass the night chanting, and remain to be recited,
Their poems, even as tales of conquest are recited.

٥. تَبيتُ سَوائِراً وَتَظَلُّ تُتلى
قَصائِدُها كَما تُتلى الفُتوحُ

6. The clan of Abdelkarim, stars of glory
Which in Tai are seen for ever to hover.

٦. بَنو عَبدِ الكَريمِ نُجومُ عِزٍّ
تُرى في طَيِّئٍ أَبَداً تَلوحُ

7. So no sound lineage you in which
You multiply them, nor sense sound.

٧. فَلا حَسَبٌ صَحيحٌ أَنتَ فيهِ
فَتُكثِرَهُم وَلا عَقلٌ صَحيحُ

8. If satire of them is reward,
Then tell me for whom was praise created.

٨. إِذا كانَ الهِجاءُ لَهُم ثَواباً
فَأَخبِرني لِمَن خُلِقَ المَديحُ

9. Shall I hate the essence of Arabs refined
When no sincere patron hated them.

٩. أَتُبغِضُ جَوهَرَ العَرَبِ المُصَفّى
وَلَم يُبغِضهُمُ مَولىً صَريحُ

10. And you have no stratagem against them of use.
Indeed you shall die and be at peace!

١٠. وَمالَكَ حيلَةٌ فيهِم فَتُجدي
عَلَيكَ بَلى تَموتُ فَتَستَريحُ