1. Tell the generous Bedouin prince
Who sufficed for the nomad and the sedentary
١. قُل لِلأَميرِ الأَريَحِيِّ الَّذي
كَفّاهُ لِلبادي وَلِلحاضِرِ
2. That your days may bring you respite
And freshness from my blossoming sapling
٢. لِتَجزِكَ الأَيّامُ مَندوحَةً
وَنَضرَةً مِن عودِيَ الناضِرِ
3. I thank you for your favors I'm grateful for
While the ungrateful is like the infidel
٣. أَشكُرُ نُعمى مِنكَ مَشكورَةً
وَكافِرُ النَعماءِ كَالكافِرِ
4. Gifts that were only for those
Whose fortune is in a generous position
٤. مَواهِباً لَم تَكُ إِلّا لِمَن
نِصابُهُ في مَنصِبٍ وافِرِ
5. You still thank me in a garment
Worn by one with splendid spoils
٥. لا زِلتَ مِن شُكرِيَ في حُلَّةٍ
لابِسُها ذو سَلَبٍ فاخِرِ
6. Those who listen say
How much did the first leave for the last?
٦. يَقولُ مَن تَقرَعُ أَسماعَهُ
كَم تَرَكَ الأَوَّلُ لِلآخِرِ
7. I had a friend who was a companion to me
And an intimate in time gone by
٧. لي صاحِبٌ قَد كانَ لي مُؤنِساً
وَمَألَفاً في الزَمَنِ الغابِرِ
8. He milks fate of its mornings
And mixes the sweet with the bitter
٨. يَحتَلِبُ الدَهرَ أَفاويقَهُ
وَيَخلِطُ الحُلوَ مَعَ الحازِرِ
9. Until, when my meadow sang to him
Its bucks in a flourishing enclosure
٩. حَتّى إِذا رَوضي تَغَنّى بِهِ
ذِبّانُهُ في مونِقٍ زاهِرِ
10. He conceived his wishes
After embracing the barren resolve
١٠. أَلقَحَ بِالعَزمِ أَمانِيَّهُ
بَعدَ اِعتِناقِ الهِمَّةِ العاقِرِ
11. It bears from him a marvel
That renews the mockery of the mocker
١١. تَحمِلُ مِنهُ العيسُ أُعجوبَةً
تُجَدِّدُ السُخرِيَّ لِلساخِرِ
12. One of wealth sought by the beseecher
And a confounder who takes from the poet
١٢. ذا ثَروَةٍ يَطلُبُ مِن سائِلٍ
وَمُفحَماً يَأخُذُ مِن شاعِرِ
13. But his inclination met my money
With a loss from a stumbling hope
١٣. فَصادَفَت مالي بِإِقبالِهِ
مَنِيَّةٌ مِن أَمَلٍ عاثِرِ
14. Share with the oppressed through it, and do not
Be partner to the gambling man
١٤. فَشارِكِ المَقمورَ فيهِ وَلا
تَكُن شَريكَ الرَجُلِ القامِرِ
15. So visiting you is glory, and not
Like your visiting of the visitor
١٥. فَرِفدُكَ الزائِرَ مَجدٌ وَلا
كَرِفدِكَ الزائِرَ لِلزائِرِ