
My eyes find pleasure in closing,

سالب عيني لذة الغمض

1. My eyes find pleasure in closing,
And some of me weeps for the rest,

١. سالِبَ عَيني لَذَّةَ الغُمضِ
وَمُبكِياً بَعضي عَلى بَعضِ

2. While your harsh indifference slays me,
And your glance with averted eyes wounds me.

٢. وَقاتِلي ظُلماً بِإِعراضِهِ
وَلَحظِهِ بِالنَظَرِ المُغضي

3. You are begged for mercy by the needy
Whom the verdict you pronounced ruined,

٣. إِيّاكَ يَستَعطِفُ ذو فاقَةٍ
جُرتَ عَلَيهِ في الَّذي تَقضي

4. He who envies the ground you tread
For care and sorrow over you.

٤. مَن يَحسُدُ الأَرضَ لِإِشفاقِهِ
مَوطِئَ نَعلَيكَ مِنَ الأَرض