
I wish I knew with which of your two faces you will meet me in Egypt tomorrow when we meet -

ليت شعري بأي وجهيك بالمص

1. I wish I knew with which of your two faces you will meet me in Egypt tomorrow when we meet -
A face of one who is eloquent and kind, or a face other than kind?

١. لَيتَ شِعري بِأَيِّ وَجهَيكَ بِالمِص
رِ غَداً حينَ نَلتَقي تَلقاني

2. If you are benevolent, you will be glad to see me in any gathering.
But if you are other than that, you have no power over us tomorrow.

٢. أَبِوَجهٍ لَهُ طَلاقَةُ ذي الإِح
سانِ أَم وَجهِ غَيرِ ذي إِحسانِ

3. Every day I come to you in need, humbling my face and tongue.
Yet in any need I have never obtained from you anything but refusal and deprivation.

٣. فَلَئِن كُنتَ مُحسِناً لَيَسُرَّن
نَكَ في كُلِّ مَحضَرٍ أَن تَراني

4. You are a one-eyed traitor, O Salm, a descendent of Uthman.

٤. وَلَئِن كُنتَ غَيرَ ذاكَ فَما أَن
تَ عَلَينا غَداً بِذي سُلطانِ