1. Prince Bilak in his affairs,
When he saw you it shook him after the morning of his struggle.
١. إِنَّ الأَميرَ بَلاكَ في أَحوالِهِ
فَرَآكَ أَهزَعَهُ غَداةَ نِضالِهِ
2. You pitied him with favors and you continued to be
A pillar for whoever holds onto his ropes.
٢. آسَيتَهُ في المَكرُماتِ وَلَم تَزَل
رُكناً لِمَن هُوَ مُمسِكٌ بِحِبالِهِ
3. So when is the rising to thank you rightly if you gained
With the unseen your palm brought me the fruits of his deeds.
٣. فَمَتى النُهوضُ بِحَقِّ شُكرِكَ إِن جَنَت
بِالغَيبِ كَفُّكَ لي ثِمارَ فِعالِهِ
4. So I found before you the sweetness of his gift,
And you found before me the bitterness of his request.
٤. فَلَقيتُ بَينَ يَدَيكَ حُلوَ عَطائِهِ
وَلَقيتَ بَينَ يَدَيَّ مُرَّ سُؤالِهِ
5. And if a man bestows upon you a favor
From his status, it is as if it were from his money.
٥. وَإِذا اِمرُؤٌ أَسدى إِلَيكَ صَنيعَةً
مِن جاهِهِ فَكَأَنَّها مِن مالِهِ