1. Tell the prince you find him troubled by words,
And he took the plains and expanses in his embrace.
١. قُل لِلأَميرِ تَجِد لِلقَولِ مُضطَرَبا
وَتَلقَ في كَنَفَيهِ السَهلَ وَالرُحُبا
2. Your sandal's ransom is a gift of honored fortune.
He listened to blame until he sold what he had given.
٢. فِداءُ نَعلِكَ مُعطىً حَظَّ مَكرُمَةٍ
أَصغى إِلى المَطلِ حَتّى باعَ ما وَهَبا
3. And if there are people who have no cause,
Except a decree that sufficed them without me a cause,
٣. إِنّي وَإِن كانَ قَومٌ ما لَهُم سَبَبٌ
إِلّا قَضاءٌ كَفاهُم دونِيَ السَبَبا
4. I have a grudge in my heart that kindles it,
That I preceded and you give others the cane.
٤. لَمُضمِرٌ غُلَّةً في القَلبِ يُضرِمُها
أَنّي سَبَقتُ وَتُعطي غَيرِيَ القَصَبا
5. Preserve the means of poetry in you, nothing of it has gone
Except what the lightning bolts went beyond.
٥. إِحفَظ وَسائِلَ شِعرٍ فيكَ ما ذَهَبَت
خَواطِفُ البَرقِ إِلّا دونَ ما ذَهَبا
6. They go abroad in the countries, so they
Do not cease to cheer up horizons abroad.
٦. يَغدونَ مُغتَرِباتٍ في البِلادِ فَما
يَزَلنَ يُؤنِسنَ في الآفاقِ مُغتَرِبا
7. So do not neglect it, for there is nothing finer on earth than
The rhyme of verses when they encounter pedigree.
٧. فَلا تُضِعها فَما في الأَرضِ أَحسَنُ مِن
نَظمِ القَوافي إِذا ما صادَفَت حَسَبا
8. If you were not just to the truth and do it justice,
We would not after you see people who do justice to literature.
٨. إِن أَنتَ لَم تَكُ عَدلَ الحَقِّ تُنصِفُهُ
لَم نَرجُ بَعدَكَ خَلقاً يُنصِفُ الأَدَبا