1. The days of youth are joyful days, blissful days
To live beneath their wonder-working shade
١. أَحسِن بِأَيّامِ العَقيقِ وَأَطيِبِ
وَالعَيشِ في أَظلالِهِنَّ المُعجِبِ
2. And feel the zephyr of their gentle gales,
Which with the breath of musk the morning scents,
٢. وَمَصيفِهِنَّ المُستَظِلِّ بِظِلِّهِ
سِربُ المَها وَرَبيعِهِنَّ الصَيِّبِ
3. And see the lightning-flashes of their dawns
Sport with their gowns out-blushing all the rose.
٣. أُصُلٌ كَبُردِ العَصبِ نيطَ إِلى ضُحىً
عَبِقٍ بِرَيحانِ الرِياضِ مُطَيَّبِ
4. The mead is rippled by the pearly hail
And clad in saffron blooms the joyous Spring.
٤. وَظِلالِهِنَّ المُشرِقاتِ بِخُرَّدٍ
بيضٍ كَواعِبَ غامِضاتِ الأَكعُبِ
5. We passed a night whose first was bright as moon-lit pearls,
A night too fleet for all our joy of it,
٥. وَأَغَنَّ مِن دُعجِ الظِباءِ مُرَبَّبٍ
بُدِّلنَ مِنهُ أَغَنَّ غَيرَ مُرَبَّبِ
6. When a slim maiden on my wrist alit,
Quoth she, 'An whit of pleasure thou wouldst win,
٦. لِلَّهِ لَيلَتُنا وَكانَت لَيلَةً
ذُخِرَت لَنا بَينَ اللِوى فَالشُربُبِ
7. Not every way of joy is lawful. Beware!'
Thus dearly with forbidding she began,
٧. قالَت وَقَد أَعلَقتُ كَفّي كَفَّها
حِلّاً وَما كُلُّ الحَلالِ بِطَيِّبِ
8. Yet showed me suns could rise unsullied still,
Though late they seemed to mortals' purblind eyes
٨. فَنَعِمتُ مِن شَمسٍ إِذا حُجِبَت بَدَت
مِن نورِها فَكَأَنَّها لَم تُحجَبِ
9. Dipped in the darkness of the nightly sea.
Her tribe all gaze upon this sun of mine;
٩. وَإِذا رَنَت خِلتَ الظِباءَ وَلَدنَها
رِبعِيَّةً وَاِستُرضِعَت في الرَبرَبِ
10. Humble their birth yet nobly bred are they,
Of human kind, but of an elfin strain
١٠. إِنسِيَّةٌ إِن حُصِّلَت أَنسابُها
جِنِّيَّةُ الأَبَوَينِ ما لَم تُنسَبِ
11. From both the parents. When the war-clouds rise
Thick-piled, then I address the warriors thus:
١١. قَد قُلتُ لِلزَبّاءِ لَمّا أَصبَحَت
في حَدِّ نابٍ لِلزَمانِ وَمِخلَبِ
12. 'Ye, that have followed in my wandering steps,
Unto a land whose tongue is foreign to mine ears,
١٢. لِمَدينَةٍ عَجماءَ قَد أَمسى البِلى
فيها خَطيباً بِاللِسانِ المُعرِبِ
13. Where I became the spokesman of Arabish lore.
'Its empty courts and chambers presently
١٣. فَكَأَنَّما سَكَنَ الفَناءُ عِراصَها
أَو صالَ فيها الدَهرُ صَولَةَ مُغضِبِ
14. Shall teem again-this desolation of the tombs
Shall yet give place unto a living throng.'
١٤. لَكِن بَنو طَوقٍ وَطَوقٌ قَبلَهُم
شادوا المَعالي بِالثَناءِ الأَغلَبِ
15. High13 raised their glories, preying wide renown
With lavish honour and with conquests won.
١٥. فَسَتَخرَبُ الدُنيا وَأَبنِيَةُ العُلى
وَقِبابُها جُدُدٌ بِها لَم تَخرَبِ
16. Thou that to-day wouldst ride the self-same road,
How vain for thee to dream their dust could fail
١٦. رُفِعَت بِأَيّامِ الطِعانِ وَغُشِّيَت
رِقراقَ لَونٍ لِلسَماحَةِ مُذهَبِ
17. From off the moving pageant's glorious train!
Nay, thou vain trifler with a foolish love,
١٧. يا طالِباً مَسعاتَهُم لِيَنالَها
هَيهاتَ مِنكَ غُبارُ ذاكَ المَوكِبِ
18. 'Tis not for thee to win the mistress' heart.
Grey hairs wax finest in such fantasies.
١٨. أَنتَ المُعَنّى بِالغَواني تَبتَغي
أَقصى مَوَدَّتِها بِرَأسٍ أَشيَبِ
19. Prince Omar rules and guides his people's needs,
Restraining hurts. Meet is it he be named
١٩. وَطِئَ الخُطوبَ وَكَفَّ مِن غُلَوائِها
عُمَرُ بنُ طَوقٍ نَجمُ أَهلِ المَغرِبِ
20. Chiefest of Ghassan's children and her star.
When glory beckons on the day of strife,
٢٠. مُلتَفُّ أَعراقِ الوَشيجِ إِذا اِنتَمى
يَومَ الفَخارِ ثَرِيُّ تَربِ المَنصِبِ
21. Noble and free born of a princely line,
Tracing from that Tadmur whence springs thy race,
٢١. في مَعدِنِ الشَرَفِ الَّذي مِن حَليِهِ
سُبِكَت مَكارِمُ تَغلِبَ اِبنَةِ تَغلِبِ
22. Whose fame no minstrel of the past let die.
Once in the gloom, to horsemen questioning
٢٢. قَد قُلتُ في غَلَسِ الدُجى لِعِصابَةٍ
طَلَبَت أَبا حَفصٍ مُناخَ الأَركُبِ
23. Of Abu Hafs, wont to rein the wild steed's pride,
I thus made answer, 'Yon bright planet see!
٢٣. الكَوكَبُ الجُشَمِيُّ نَصبَ عُيونِكُم
فَاِستَوضِحوا إيضاءَ ذاكَ الكَوكَبِ
24. Seek ye the morning beams it scattereth wide.
With kindly gifts it greets the penitent,
٢٤. يُعطي عَطاءَ المُحسِنِ الخَضِلِ النَدى
عَفواً وَيَعتَذِرُ اِعتِذارَ المُذنِبِ
25. Pardoning faults with sweet forgiveness' grace.
Hail to the guest! For who draws nigh shall find
٢٥. وَمُرَحِّبٍ بِالزائِرينَ وَبِشرُهُ
يُغنيكَ عَن أَهلٍ لَدَيهِ وَمَرحَبِ
26. A home as though mid long tried brethren born.
A refuge for the outcast wretch its courts,
٢٦. يَغدو مُؤَمِّلُهُ إِذا ما حَطَّ في
أَكنافِهِ رَحلَ المُكِلِّ المُلغِبِ
27. Weighed down with woes from which he could not flee.'
Smooth its approach, that who hath need may hope,
٢٧. سَلِسَ اللُبانَةِ وَالرَجاءِ بِبابِهِ
كَثَبَ المُنى مُمتَدَّ ظِلِّ المَطلَبِ
28. Though far from hope he be!
Stern is its law; yet knows it how to jest.
٢٨. الجِدُّ شيمَتُهُ وَفيهِ فُكاهَةٌ
سُجُحٌ وَلا جِدٌّ لِمَن لَم يَلعَبِ
29. No profit in the colt that will not frolic.
Hard, if the times bring ills; soft if they end.
٢٩. شَرِسٌ وَيُتبَعُ ذاكَ لينَ خَليقَةٍ
لا خَيرَ في الصَهباءِ ما لَم تُقطَبِ
30. Weak, if it bend not to misfortune's shock.
Love hath it for its kin, but its own tribes
٣٠. صَلبٌ إِذا اِعوَجَّ الزَمانُ وَلَم يَكُن
لِيُلينَ صُلبَ الخَطبِ مَن لَم يَصلُبِ
31. Are dearest; strangers next gain its regard.
So with Attab's children now; behold
٣١. الوُدُّ لِلقُربى وَلَكِن عُرفُهُ
لِلأَبعَدِ الأَوطانِ دونَ الأَقرَبِ
32. Their tribe is as the footing of the age.
Not as their sires-they walk otherwhere-
٣٢. وَكَذاكَ عَتّابُ بنُ سَعدٍ أَصبَحوا
وَهُمُ زِمامُ زَمانِنا المُتَقَلِّبِ
33. Strange sons sprung from a strange unfathered root.
Nor may Prince Omar meet among his peers
٣٣. هُم رَهطُ مَن أَمسى بَعيداً رَهطُهُ
وَبَنو أَبي رَجُلٍ بِغَيرِ بَني أَبِ
34. One who shall match his proud preeminence.
Honour comes slow to him who never toils,
٣٤. وَمُنافِسٍ عُمَرَ بنَ طَوقٍ ما لَهُ
مِن ضِغنِهِ غَبرُ الحَصى وَالأَثلَبِ
35. Whose pillow is not moist with sweat of pain.
Bright glows the face made shining through endeavour.
٣٥. تَعِبُ الخَلائِقِ وَالنَوالِ وَلَم يَكُن
بِالمُستَريحِ العِرضِ مَن لَم يَتعَبِ
36. No merit comes by sloth. No gain without labour.
A sea it is that surges over simple folk,
٣٦. بِشُحوبِهِ في المَجدِ أَشرَقَ وَجهُهُ
لا يَستَنيرُ فَعالَ مَن لَم يَشحُبِ
37. Whene'er the winds of question stir its waves.
Filled are its udders till the milk gush forth.
٣٧. بَحرٌ يَطِمُّ عَلى العُفاةِ وَإِن تَهِج
ريحُ السُؤالِ بِمَوجِهِ يَغلَولِبِ
38. Barren and dry they turn when milked no more.
Ye scions of the house of Ghassan! Can ye hope
٣٨. وَالشَولُ ما حُلِبَت تَدَفَّقَ رِسلُها
وَتَجِفُّ دِرَّتُها إِذا لَم تُحلَبِ
39. For followers like unto your father's found?
My soaring thoughts were trained by Omar's soul
٣٩. يا عَقبَ طَوقٍ أَيُّ عَقبِ عَشيرَةٍ
أَنتُم وَرُبَّتَ مُعقِبٍ لَم يُعقِبِ
40. To fixedness of purpose and sure flight.
Lavish of praise, his noble name I decked
٤٠. قَيَّدتُ مِن عُمَرَ بنِ طَوقٍ هِمَّتي
بِالحُوَّلِ الثَبتِ الجَنانِ القُلَّبِ
41. With gems of verse that cannot choose but glitter.
Good is the praise that wisely orders speech.
٤١. نَفَقَ المَديحُ بِبابِهِ فَكَسَوتُهُ
عِقداً مِنَ الياقوتِ غَيرَ مُثَقَّبِ
42. Yet how much finer is the well-wrought line!
Strange seemed the virtues that in him I found.
٤٢. أَولى المَديحِ بِأَن يَكونَ مُهَذَّباً
ما كانَ مِنهُ في أَغَرَّ مُهَذَّبِ
43. Strange must the poet be who would praise aright.
When thou wert generous I was justified,
٤٣. غَرُبَت خَلائِقُهُ وَأَغرَبَ شاعرٌ
فيهِ فَأَحسَنَ مُغرِبٌ في مُغرِبِ
44. And spoke my true thought blameless and sincere.
But if for others I essayed like praise,
٤٤. لَمّا كَرُمتَ نَطَقتُ فيكَ بِمَنطِقٍ
حَقٍّ فَلَم آثَم وَلَم أَتَحَوَّبِ
45. 'Twere but to wrong truth's self, and I lied.
٤٥. وَمَتى اِمتَدَحتُ سِواكَ كُنتُ مَتى يَضِق
عَنّي لَهُ صِدقُ المَقالَةِ أَكذِبِ