1. An-Nuh, son of 'Amr, lo! what happened shall surely come to pass
And the foreigner shall taste the calamities of war.
١. أَنوحَ بنَ عَمروٍ إِنَّ ما حُمَّ واقِعٌ
وَلِلأَجنُبِ المُستَعلَياتِ مَصارِعُ
2. Did not 'Amr die, and 'Amr depart to bid farewell?
And did not Al-Huwayyan meet death, and perish?
٢. أَلَم يُختَرَم عَمرٌو وَعَمرٌو فَوَدَّعا
وَلاقى الحُوَيّانِ المَنايا وَماتِعُ
3. So patience, patience! In patience is glory and piety,
And no sin if thou art told: thou art fearful.
٣. فَصَبراً فَفي الصَبرِ الجَلالَةُ وَالتُقى
وَلا إِثمَ إِن خُبِّرتُ أَنَّكَ جازِعُ
4. For maybe God will reward the youth though he be averse,
And reward is only His reward, whether thou art obedient or not.
٤. فَقَد يَأجُرُ اللَهُ الفَتى وَهوَ كارِهٌ
وَما الأَجرُ إِلّا أَجرُهُ وَهوَ طائِعُ