
Patience endured for him on the day they endured

تحمل عنه الصبر يوم تحملوا

1. Patience endured for him on the day they endured
And his youthfulness returned in his prime, exalted

١. تَحَمَّلَ عَنهُ الصَبرُ يَومَ تَحَمَّلوا
وَعادَت صَباهُ في الصِبا وَهيَ شَمأَلُ

2. With a day like the saying of fate regarding its like
And I found this and that more lasting

٢. بِيَومٍ كَقولِ الدَهرِ في عَرضِ مِثلِهِ
وَوَجدِيَ مِن هَذا وَهَذاكَ أَطوَلُ

3. They turned away so my torment turned
Upon me, and my tears came while they ebbed

٣. تَوَلّوا فَوَلَّت لَوعَتي تَحشُدُ الأَسى
عَلَيَّ وَجاءَت عَبرَتي وَهيَ تَهمُلُ

4. I gave them the hidden tears of my eyes, so if they forget
My longing is that the entrusted not dry up

٤. بَذَلتُ لَهُم مَكنونَ دَمعي فَإِن وَنى
فَشَوقي عَلى أَلّا يَجِفَّ مُوَكَّلُ

5. Oh would that the excused had wept when she was blamed
Making me know from life what I do not ignore

٥. أَلا بَكَرَت مَعذورَةً حينَ تَعذِلُ
تُعَرِّفُني مِنَ العَيشِ ما لَستُ أَجهَلُ

6. Shall I follow the worry of fate while fate is conducting
And avoid the bosom of prosperity while it approaches

٦. أَأَتبَعُ ضَنكَ الأَمرِ وَالأَمرُ مُدبِرٌ
وَأَدفَعُ في صَدرِ الغِنى وَهوَ مُقبِلُ

7. Muhammad, O son of the Needy, the sky
Rained down upon you my praises pouring

٧. مُحَمَّدُ يا بنَ المُستَهِلِّ تَهَلَّلَت
عَلَيكَ سَماءٌ مِن ثَنائِيَ تَهطُلُ

8. And how many scenes you witnessed of generosity so they vanished
And your glory is revived while your money is killed

٨. وَكَم مَشهَدٍ أَشهَدتَهُ الجودَ فَاِنقَضى
وَمَجدُكَ يُستَحيا وَمالُكَ يُقتَلُ

9. We tested you, indeed the heel of your honor is high
In deeds, but the cheek of your money lower

٩. بَلَوناكَ أَمّا كَعبُ عِرضِكَ في العُلى
فَعالٍ وَلَكِن خَدُّ مالِكَ أَسفَلُ

10. You endured what if the ages bore half of it
It would contemplate for an epoch which of its burdens is heavier

١٠. تَحَمَّلتَ ما لَو حُمِّلَ الدَهرُ شَطرَهُ
لَفَكَّرَ دَهراً أَيُّ عِبأَيهِ أَثقَلُ

11. Your father is a brother who did not cease to be
A brother to the dew and a fortress for the anguished a refuge

١١. أَبوكَ شَقيقٌ لَم يَزَل وَهوَ لِلنَدى
شَقيقٌ وَلِلمَلهوفِ حِرزٌ وَمَعقِلُ

12. He benefited from the Most High treasures, if only they
Were silent wealth, he would not know where to place them

١٢. أَفادَ مِنَ العَليا كُنوزاً لَوَ اَنَّها
صَوامِتُ مالٍ ما دَرى أَينَ تُجعَلُ

13. It is enough for a man that you are his other man
And it is enough pride for you that he is your first

١٣. فَحَسبُ اِمرِئٍ أَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ آخِرٌ لَهُ
وَحَسبُكَ فَخراً أَنَّهُ لَكَ أَوَّلُ

14. And is there for sincere poetry or its composer
Upon anyone except you to rely?

١٤. وَهَل لِلقَريضِ الغَضِّ أَو مَن يَحوكُهُ
عَلى أَحَدٍ إِلّا عَلَيكَ مُعَوَّلُ

15. It pleases a man who praises you by saying
He speaks but if he profits he will not exaggerate

١٥. لِيَهنِ اِمرَأً أَثنى عَلَيكَ بِأَنَّهُ
يَقولُ وَإِن أَربى فَلا يَتَقَوَّلُ

16. Honors come easily to you, so strew them
Upon us when you gather in yourself the easiest

١٦. سَهُلنَ عَلَيكَ المَكرُماتُ فَرَصفُها
عَلَينا إِذا ما اِستَجمَعَت فيكَ أَسهَلُ

17. I saw you as the goal of the ongoing journey
They frequent it until it is as if you are a watering hole

١٧. رَأَيتُكَ لِلسَفرِ المُطَرَّدِ غايَةً
يَؤُمّونَها حَتّى كَأَنَّكَ مَنهَلُ

18. I asked you not to ask Allah for any need
Other than his forgiveness as long as you are hoped for and asked

١٨. سَأَلتُكَ أَلّا تَسأَلَ اللَهَ حاجَةً
سِوى عَفوِهِ ما دُمتَ تُرجى وَتُسأَلُ

19. And beware, not I, do I praise you just as
Upon you in certainty, not upon me, reliance lies

١٩. وَإِيّاكَ لا إِيّايَ أَمدَحُ مِثلَما
عَلَيكَ يَقيناً لا عَلَيَّ المُعَوَّلُ

20. And you do not see that the heights are yours when
You speak, but the heights are when you act

٢٠. وَلَستَ تَرى أَنَّ العُلا لَكَ عِندَما
تَقولُ وَلَكِنَّ العُلى حينَ تَفعَلُ

21. And there is no doubt that goodness is your nature
But the best of goodness to me is what is rushed

٢١. وَلا شَكَّ أَنَّ الخَيرَ مِنكَ سَجِيَّةٌ
وَلَكِنَّ خَيرَ الخَيرِ عِندي المُعَجَّلُ