
They greet you standing tall, determined,

أهلوك أضحوا شاخصا ومقوضا

1. They greet you standing tall, determined,
Describing the arrows, ready and poised.

١. أَهلوكِ أَضحَوا شاخِصاً وَمُقَوِّضا
وَمُزَمِّماً يَصِفُ النَوى وَمُغَرِّضا

2. If your night grows dark, they are the spark,
Lighting up the gloom which darkness enjoyed.

٢. إِن يَدجُ لَيلُكَ أَنَّهُم أَمّوا اللِوى
فَلَقَد أَضاءَ وَهُم عَلى ذاتِ الأَضا

3. You were transformed from the thunder of borders,
To a lightning flash when loved ones called out.

٣. بُدِّلتَ مِن بَرقِ الثُغورِ وَبَردِها
بَرقاً إِذا ظَعَنَ الأَحِبَّةُ أَومَضا

4. If anyone's heart held hate in days past,
Mine for him would certainly harbor doubt.

٤. لَو كانَ أَبغَضَ قَلبَهُ فيما مَضى
أَحَدٌ لَكُنتُ إِذاً لِقَلبي مُبغِضا

5. Hatred assuredly wanes in its lands,
From fires of hate you assembled and poised.

٥. قَلَّ الغَضى لا شَكَّ في أَوطانِهِ
مِمّا حَشَدتَ إِلَيهِ مِن جَمرِ الغَضى

6. Time was not just to evoke passion at first,
Then decree your anguish before it rejoiced.

٦. ما أَنصَفَ الزَمَنُ الَّذي بَعَثَ الهَوى
فَقَضى عَلَيكَ بِلَوعَةٍ ثُمَّ اِنقَضى

7. I have days that if one laid down in bliss,
His eyes would not open, content and enjoyed.

٧. عِندي مِنَ الأَيّامِ ما لَو أَنَّهُ
أَضحى بِشارِبِ مُرقَدٍ ما غَمَّضا

8. Seek not sustenance once it has fled,
Lest you find it consumed after you pined.

٨. لا تَطلُبنَّ الرِزقَ بَعدَ شِماسِهِ
فَتَروضَهُ سَبُعاً إِذا ما غَيَّضا

9. None feels loss replaced unless he sees,
What was missed was less than what he enjoyed.

٩. ما عُوِّضَ الصَبرَ اِمرُؤٌ إِلّا رَأى
ما فاتَهُ دونَ الَّذي قَد عُوِّضا

10. Oh Ahmad son of Abu Dawud a plea,
That humbles with thanks I employed.

١٠. يا أَحمَدَ اِبنَ أَبي دُاودٍ دَعوَةً
ذَلَّت بِشُكرِكَ لي وَكانَت رَيِّضا

11. I called you for struggles and they sufficed,
Though the sword aids not until employed.

١١. لَمّا اِنتَضَيتُكَ لِلخُطوبِ كُفيتُها
وَالسَيفُ لا يَكفيكَ حَتّى يُنتَضى

12. I've watched beneath the shelter of wishes,
For a face like yours so gentle and poised.

١٢. ما زِلتُ أَرقُبُ تَحتَ أَفياءِ المُنى
يَوماً بِوَجهٍ مِثلَ وَجهِكَ أَبيَضا

13. How many times were you inclined and deferred,
Praise with the Imam you employed?

١٣. كَم مَحضَرٍ لَكَ مُرتَضىً لَم تَدَّخِر
مَحمودَهُ عِندَ الإِمامِ المُرتَضى

14. Without you the prospect of meeting him later,
Exceeds encounters in days since destroyed.

١٤. لَولاكَ عَزَّ لِقاؤُهُ فيما بَقي
أَضعافَ ما قَدَّ عَزَّني فيما مَضى

15. The bent sprout of sadness you straightened,
Till it breathed easy by your grace enjoyed.

١٥. قَد كانَ صَوَّحَ نَبتُ كُلِّ قَرارَةٍ
حَتّى تَرَوَّحَ في نَداكَ فَرَوَّضا

16. You brought me autumn's lease after decay,
While the swollen clouds their first drops employed.

١٦. أَورَدتَني العِدَّ الخَسيفَ وَقَد أُرى
أَتَبَرَّضُ الثَمدَ البَكِيَّ تَبَرُّضا

17. With verses you pulled like drawing the veil,
Attracting softly with coyness enjoyed.

١٧. أَما القَريضُ فَقَد جَذَبتَ بِضِبعِهِ
جَذبَ الرِشاءِ مُصَرِّحاً وَمُعَرِّضا

18. You loved it though once it drew hate,
And loved more when disdain it employed.

١٨. أَحبَبتَهُ إِذ كانَ فيكَ مُحَبَّباً
وَاِزدَدتَ حُبّاً حينَ صارَ مُبَغَّضا

19. You gave life when I thought nothing could
Return from death after it destroyed.

١٩. أَحيَيتَهُ وَظَنَنتُ أَنّي لا أَرى
شَيئاً يَعودُ إِلى الحَياةِ وَقَد قَضى

20. You carried glory's weight self-reliant,
While your feet ensured you would not be toppled.

٢٠. وَحَمَلتَ عِبءَ المَجدِ مُعتَمِداً عَلى
قَدَمٍ وَقاكَ أَمينُها أَن تَدحَضا

21. A load if one claimed it who did not bear it,
Its name not its weight would crush and destroy.

٢١. ثِقلاً لَو اَنَّ مُتالِعاً حَمَلَ اِسمَهُ
لا جِسمَهُ لَم يَستَطِع أَن يَنهَضا

22. The state complained and you eased its plight,
With care no passage of time has nullified.

٢٢. قَد كانَتِ الحالُ اِشتَكَت فَأَسَوتَها
أَسواً أَبى إِمرارُهُ أَن يُنقَضا

23. What excuse has it not to awaken,
When you have cared for its illness employed?

٢٣. ما عُذرُها أَلّا تُفيقَ وَلَم تَزَل
لِمَريضِها بِالمَكرُماتِ مُمَرِّضا

24. However you are, qualities in you I hope for,
My prospects in your being enjoy.

٢٤. كُن كَيفَ شِئتَ فَإِنَّ فيكَ خَلائِقاً
أَمسى إِلَيهِنَّ الرَجاءُ مُفَوَّضا

25. Glory refuses to accept one's contentment,
Unless those who seek you are likewise employed.

٢٥. فَالمَجدُ لا يَرضى بِأَن تَرضى بِأَن
يَرضى اِمرُؤٌ يَرجوكَ إِلّا بِالرِضا