
O crescent moon, tomorrow it will disappear

يا هلالا غدا عليه المحاق

1. O crescent moon, tomorrow it will disappear
Where is that radiance and illumination?

١. يا هِلالاً غَدا عَلَيهِ المُحاقُ
أَينَ ذاكَ الضِياءُ وَالإِشراقُ

2. What separation could obtain from me
Was obtained by your union, O free one

٢. نالَ مِنّي فيكَ التَلاقي مِنَ الحُر
قَةِ ما لَم يَكُن يَنالُ الفِراقُ

3. Time has changed your beautiful robe
Until its new creation became burdensome

٣. بَدَّلَ الدَهرُ ثَوبَ حُسنِكَ حَتّى
غالَهُ بَعدَ جِدَّةٍ إِخلاقُ

4. I always knew that no manner
Remained pleasant, without becoming insipid

٤. لَم أَزَل عالِماً بِأَن لَيسَ خَلقٌ
دامَ حُلواً إِلّا وَسَوفَ يُذاقُ

5. Patience and solace are forbidden
To my tears and love, so go, you are divorced

٥. حُجِرَ الصَبرُ وَالسُلُوُّ عَلى دَم
عي وَوَجدي فَاِذهَب فَأَنتَ الطَلاقُ

6. The face of union was never blackened
By any brand, until lovers recoiled

٦. لَم يُسَوَّد وَجهُ الوِصالِ بِوَسمٍ ال
حُبِّ حَتّى تَكَشخَنَ العُشّاقُ

7. We claimed solace was good fortune
While you claimed that passion was sustenance

٧. قَد زَعَمنا أَنَّ السُلُوَّ حُظوظٌ
إِذ زَعَمتُم أَنَّ الهَوى أَرزاقُ