
They laughed at the grief of departing youth,

ضاحكن من أسف الشباب المدبر

1. They laughed at the grief of departing youth,
And cried at the laughter of shimmering old age.

١. ضاحَكنَ مِن أَسَفِ الشَبابِ المُدبِرِ
وَبَكَينَ مِن ضَحِكاتِ شَيبٍ مُقمِرِ

2. They gnawed at the steeds of my resolve with resolve,
Leaving in my heart an irremediable wound.

٢. ناوَشنَ خَيلَ عَزيمَتي بِعَزيمَةٍ
تَرَكَت بِقَلبي وَقعَةً لَم تُنصَرِ

3. And they tested my nature to find me
Magnanimous in giving, though vexed within.

٣. وَلَقَد بَلَونَ خَلائِقي فَوَجَدنَني
سَمحَ اليَدَينِ بِبَذلِ وُدٍّ مُضمَرِ

4. They were amazed I relinquished my treasured belongings,
Just as Ja'far was amazed at such magnanimity.

٤. يَعجَبنَ مِنّي أَن سَمَحتُ بِمُهجَتي
وَكَذاكَ أَعجَبُ مِن سَماحَةِ جَعفَرِ

5. A king whose desires incline to benefaction
Will clasp the palm of one made prosperous by him.

٥. مَلِكٌ إِذا الحاجاتُ لُذنَ بِحِقوِهِ
صافَحنَ كَفَّ نَوالِهِ المُتَيَسِّرِ

6. A king whose keys to munificence are in his left hand,
While his right hand holds the shackle-key of the destitute.

٦. مَلِكٌ مَفاتيحُ الرَدى بِشِمالِهِ
وَيَمينُهُ إِقليدُ قُفلِ المُعسِرِ

7. A king, when poetry is bewildered by eloquence,
Becomes its guide out of perplexity.

٧. مَلِكٌ إِذا ما الشِعرُ حارَ بِبَلدَةٍ
كانَ الدَليلَ لِطَرفِهِ المُتَحَيِّرِ

8. O you who give me glad tidings of wealth's causes,
In your face are glad tidings for the hopeful!

٨. يا مَن يُبَشِّرُني بِأَسبابِ الغِنى
مِنهُ بَشائِرُ وَجهِهِ المُستَبشِرِ

9. Boast of your generosity, not your pride, for
Your generosity spreads what your pride concealed.

٩. إِفخَر بِجودِكَ دونَ فَخرِكَ إِنَّما
جَدواكَ تَنشُرُ عَنكَ ما لَم تَنشُرِ

10. O Abu l-Fadl, who by his generosity
Brought my watering-place near to my spring,

١٠. إِنّي اِنتَجَعتُكَ يا أَبا الفَضلِ الَّذي
بِالجودِ قَرَّبَ مَورِدي مِن مَصدَري

11. Live in safety, and build greatness with the hand of bounty,
So you may be a foe to the profiteer.

١١. عِش سالِماً تَبني العُلا بِيَدِ النَدى
حَتّى تَكونَ مُناوِئاً لِلمُشتَري

12. I see the fruit of praise burgeoning,
Its branches trembling over the palace pillars.

١٢. إِنّي أَرى ثَمَرَ المَدائِحِ يانِعاً
وَغُصونَها تَهتَزُّ فَوقَ العُنصُرِ

13. Were it not for you, I'd never have slipped the bridle of eulogy
Or opened the saddlebags of my gratitude,

١٣. لَولاكَ لَم أَخلَع عِنانَ مَدائِحي
أَبَداً وَلَم أَفتَح رِتاجَ تَشَكُّري

14. And I'd scarcely have saddled the steeds of praise
Except to return from them unsuccessful.

١٤. وَلَقَلَّما عَبَّيتُ خَيلَ مَدائِحي
إِلّا رَجَعتُ بِهِنَّ غَيرَ مُظَفَّرِ

15. Was not my homeland in your lands, and passion
Grazing in the abode of al-Buhturi?

١٥. أَوَلَم يَكُن وَطَني بِأَرضِكَ وَالهَوى
بِدِمَشقَ يَرتَعُ في دِيارِ البُحتُري

16. I take refuge in your name from your being like one
Whose help is not to be hoped for or who yields no fruit.

١٦. وَأَعوذُ بِاِسمِكَ أَن تَكونَ كَعارِضٍ
لا يُرتَجى وَكَنابِتٍ لَم يُثمِرِ

17. And know that I stand not boasting of you,
Though I praise without forewarning in my praise of you.

١٧. وَاِعلَم بِأَنّي لَم أَقُم بِكَ فاخِراً
لَكَ مادِحاً في مَدحِهِ لَم أُنذِرِ