
The prince is a dove of the hungry granary,

إن الأمير حمام الجارع الجاني

1. The prince is a dove of the hungry granary,
And fulfiller of the wishes of the bound prisoner,

١. إِنَّ الأَميرَ حِمامُ الجارِعِ الجاني
وَمُستَرادُ أَماني الموثَقِ العاني

2. When a neighbor dwells unjustly in the land of a people,
His neighbor descends at the top of scabbards.

٢. إِذا ثَوى جارُ قَومٍ في بِلادِهِمِ
فَجارُهُ نازِلٌ في رَأسِ غُمدانِ

3. How often have I remained silent, my silence hitting
Him and fine gifts from goodwill sustaining me,

٣. كَم صامِتٍ صامِتِيِّ الضَربِ فُزتُ بِهِ
مِنهُ وَحَليٍ مِنَ المَعروفِ حَلّاني

4. He gives me so I earn praise through his gifts
And my successive offspring remain enduring and multiplying.

٤. يُعطى فَيَكسِبُني حَمداً بِنائِلِهِ
وَتالِدي وافِرٌ باقٍ وَقُنياني

5. So whoever of all people has seen me,
Has seen one who does good without doing good.

٥. فَمَن رَآني مِنَ الأَقوامِ كُلِّهِمِ
فَقَد رَأى مُحسِناً مِن غَيرِ إِحسانِ

6. He has associated palm trees whose planter other than him
Was their cultivator and resident of a palace not built by him.

٦. جاني نَخيلٍ سِواهُ كانَ أَلَّفَها
غَرساً وَساكِنُ قَصرٍ غَيرُهُ الباني

7. Are you slandering my honor, O you who are slipping away
With the water of my face safe from Sulayman?

٧. هَل أَنتَ صائِنُ عِرضي لي وَمُفلِتي
بِماءِ وَجهي سَليماً مِن سُلَيمانِ

8. A young man, young and brother
Of misfortunes, gathering clouds and times!

٨. فَتى فَتاءٍ وَفِتيانِيَّةٍ وَأَخو
نَوائِبٍ وَمُلِمّاتٍ وَأَزمانِ

9. A mature mind, when its lightnings flash
A day, polishing intellects and minds.

٩. مِسَنُّ فِكرٍ إِذا كَلَّت مَضارِبُهُ
يَوماً وَصَيقَلُ أَلبابٍ وَأَذهانِ

10. One affectionate to me, and close kin are to me
As good examples, and my brothers, comrades.

١٠. ذو الوُدِّ مِنّي وَذو القُربى بِمَنزِلَةٍ
وَإِخوَتي أُسوَةٌ عِندي وَإِخواني

11. Do not create my manners in them, and my
Fire has blazed, and the two new moons have renewed my state.

١١. لا تُخلِقَن خُلُقي فيهِم وَقَد سَطَعَت
ناري وَجَدَّدَ مِن حالي الجَديدانِ

12. In my first, blameworthy time, I knew them,
And now I deny them in my second time.

١٢. في دَهرِيَ الأَوَّلِ المَذمومِ أَعرِفُهُم
فَالآنَ أُنكِرُهُم في دَهرِيَ الثاني

13. So the roots they planted met barren soil, and their
Suspicions of me flowed in the worst field.

١٣. لاقى إِذَن غَرسُهُم أَكدى ثَرىً وَجَرَت
مِنّي ظُنونُهُم في شَرِّ مَيدانِ

14. A gang whose manners neighbored my manners
And so they are my neighbors though dispersed in the land.

١٤. عِصابَةٌ جاوَرَت آدابُهُم أَدَبي
فَهُم وَإِن فُرِّقوا في الأَرضِ جيراني

15. Our spirits are in one place, and our
Bodies became in Syria or Khurasan.

١٥. أَرواحُنا في مَكانٍ واحِدٍ وَغَدَت
أَبدانُنا في شَآمٍ أَو خُراسانِ

16. And many a compatriot in exile, his soul forever
Clinging to my soul, close though not intimate.

١٦. وَرُبَّ نائي المَغاني روحُهُ أَبَداً
لَصيقُ روحي وَدانٍ لَيسَ بِالداني

17. Is there for me an unmatched, peerless brother
In the essence of affection, my secret and my proclamation?

١٧. أَفي أَخٍ لِيَ فَردٍ لا قَسيمَ لَهُ
في خالِصِ الوُدِّ مِن سِرّي وَإِعلاني

18. It turns back from your abundant sea, returning
Without its needs, my water-bucket and pulley.

١٨. تُرَدُّ عَن بَحرِكَ المَورودِ راجِعَةً
بِغَيرِ حاجاتِها دَلوي وَأَشطاني

19. One empowered where I have no power, and my hand
Is useless in benefit and empowerment is my empowerment.

١٩. مُسَلَّطٌ حَيثُ لا سُلطانَ لي وَيَدي
مَغلولَةُ النَفعِ وَالسُلطانُ سُلطاني

20. Like fire, cold in its wood, which has,
If it leaves it, a blaze not lasting.

٢٠. كَالنارِ بارِدَةً في عودِها وَلَها
إِن فارَقَتهُ اِشتِعالٌ لَيسَ بِالواني

21. I do not forget, I do not forget, the saying a man spoke
At which I lowered my eyelids and lids after it.

٢١. ما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ قَولاً قالَهُ رَجُلٌ
غَضَضتُ في عَقبِهِ طَرفي وَأَجفاني

22. Attain glory or poetry, and you will not be a young man
Unless you enrich fifty people through one person.

٢٢. نَلِ الثُرَيّا أَوِ الشِعرى فَلَيسَ فَتىً
لَم يُغنِ خَمسينَ إِنساناً بِإِنسانِ