1. The abodes refuse me; how full of yearning they are!
And how clearly they show their desolation to the stranger!
١. وَأَبي المَنازِلِ إِنَّها لَشُجونُ
وَعَلى العُجومَةِ إِنَّها لَتُبينُ
2. So school yourself, through the desolation of the abode, to share in its desolation.
A youth possessed by passion, and one depressed-both will be prodigal.
٢. فَاِعقِل بِنِضوِ الدارِ نِضوَكَ يَقتَسِم
فَرطَ الصَبابَةِ مُسعِدٌ وَحَزينُ
3. Do not hinder me from a halt by means of which
I may cure the malady of separation; for it is a death-potion.
٣. لا تَمنَعَنّي وَقفَةً أَشفي بِها
داءَ الفِراقِ فَإِنَّها ماعونُ
4. Give the streaming sands a draught from my affairs;
For he who is emaciated by grief is most emaciated.
٤. وَاِسقِ الأَثافِيَّ مِن شُؤوني رِيَّها
إِنَّ الضَنينَ بِدَمعِهِ لَضَنينُ
5. Care has spread its wing in the air, so that it seems
As if, beneath misfortunes, it were a brow bound with great sorrow.
٥. وَالنُؤيُ أُهمِدَ شَطرُهُ فَكَأَنَّهُ
تَحتَ الحَوادِثِ حاجِبٌ مَقرونُ
6. On the morrow of sadness came anguish moaning
amid the lightning flashes of your songs, O singer.
٦. حُزنٌ غَداةَ الحَزنِ هاجَ غَليلَهُ
في أَبرَقِ الحَنّانِ مِنكَ حَنينُ
7. An exhalation or a tear is the mark of youth:
both are the concern of a plunderer or a noble and great man.
٧. سِمَةُ الصَبابَةِ زَفرَةٌ أَو عَبرَةٌ
مُتَكَفِّلٌ بِهِما حَشاً وَشُئونُ
8. If it were not for lamentation, the surface of the encampment
and the plain of al-Mushaqqar would fancy themselves dejected.
٨. لَولا التَفَجُّعُ لَاِدَّعى هَضبُ الحِمى
وَصَفا المُشَقَّرِ أَنَّهُ مَحزونُ
9. Travel on, people of wants! The rain-clouds of bounty will shower upon you a plenteous rain from their water-skins.
Events have been pinioned by their own harm,
٩. سيروا بَني الحاجاتِ يُنجِح سَعيَكُم
غَيثٌ سَحابُ الجودِ مِنهُ هَتونُ
10. and the country in its confusion is imprisoned.
They have undertaken the heavy load of care, and set out upon a journey
١٠. فَالحادِثاتُ بِوَبلِهِ مَصفودَةٌ
وَالمَحلُ في شُؤبوبِهِ مَسجونُ
11. which levels the difficult road, but which in itself is firm.
Then, when they had cast it from their shoulders,
١١. حَمَلوا ثَقيلَ الهَمِّ وَاِستَنعى بِهِم
سَفَرٌ يَهُدُّ المَتنَ وَهوَ مَتينُ
12. resolutely-while success was guaranteed to them-
They found the aspect of the King bright, and they attained to
١٢. حَتّى إِذا أَلقَوهُ عَن أَكتافِهِم
بِالعَزمِ وَهوَ عَلى النَجاحِ ضَمينُ
13. Harun: you would say that Harun himself was there.
They found the Prince of the Faithful, whose bounty
١٣. وَجَدوا جَنابَ المُلكِ أَخضَرَ وَاِجتَلَوا
هارونَ فيهِ كَأَنَّهُ هارونُ
14. is the dripping cloud and its shade is wide-spread.
So they set out while their confidence was firm in the Guardian,
١٤. أَلفَوا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَجودُهُ
خَضِلُ الغَمامِ وَظِلُّهُ مَسكونُ
15. whose augury was fortunate for them.
Those eyes were refreshed by him, those cheeks grew radiant;
١٥. فَغَدَوا وَقَد وَثِقوا بِرَأفَةِ واثِقٍ
بِاللَهِ طائِرُهُ لَهُم مَيمونُ
16. and how delicious was their bloom!
They possessed the bridle of life through the King whose nature
١٦. قَرَّت بِهِ تِلكَ العُيونُ وَأَشرَقَت
تِلكَ الخُدودُ وَإِنَّهُنَّ لَجونُ
17. is firmly defended by the fortresses of noble deeds.
He is a King, when the mention of whom reaches men's hearing,
١٧. مَلَكوا خِطامَ العَيشِ بِالمَلِكِ الَّذي
أَخلاقُهُ لِلمَكرُماتِ حُصونُ
18. hope in him droops, and he remains firm.
He is a lion: when the banner shakes you see him
١٨. مَلِكٌ إِذا خاضَ المَسامِعَ ذِكرُهُ
خَفَّ الرَجاءُ إِلَيهِ وَهوَ رَكينُ
19. towering above the excited throng, and it cowers.
For its milk-bowls there is one who lies in wait, and for its orations
١٩. لَيثٌ إِذا خَفَقَ اللِواءُ رَأَيتَهُ
يَعلو قَرا الهَيجاءِ وَهيَ زَبونُ
20. one who is intent, and for its full moons one who wears its badge.
God-may He be praised and exalted! - made the Caliphate to be in him-
٢٠. لِحِياضِها مُتَوَرِّدٌ وَلِخَطبِها
مُتَعَمِّدٌ وَبِثَديِها مَلبونُ
21. His word "Be!" and it is.
And indeed we saw it to be his in our hearts,
٢١. جَعَلَ الخِلافَةَ فيهِ رَبٌّ قَولُهُ
سُبحانَهُ لِلشَيءِ كُن فَيَكونُ
22. While there were pretenders around him with their interiors and exteriors.
And therefore it was said, with regard to manifest surmises,
٢٢. وَلَقَد رَأَيناها لَهُ بِقُلوبِنا
وَظُهورُ خَطبٍ دونَهُ وَبُطونُ
23. "There is a truth, and in some hearts are secrets."
And we knew, ever since he was a child, that he
٢٣. وَلِذاكَ قيلَ مِنَ الظُنونِ جَلِيَّةٌ
صِدقٌ وَفي بَعضِ القُلوبِ عُيونُ
24. was the trustee of the Lord of the Worlds.
O son of the Caliphs, the essence of your kindliness
٢٤. وَلَقَد عَلِمنا مُذ تَرَعرَعَ أَنَّهُ
لِأَمينِ رَبِّ العالَمينَ أَمينُ
25. is a bounty that dissolves harshness and is gentle.
A light upon you from the past, as though it
٢٥. يابنَ الخَلائِفِ إِنَّ بُردَكَ مِلؤُهُ
كَرَمٌ يَذوبُ المُزنُ مِنهُ وَلينُ
26. were a clear light upon it from the Prophet.
Through you the Saffah and Mansur ascend, as also
٢٦. نورٌ مِنَ الماضي عَلَيكَ كَأَنَّهُ
نورٌ عَلَيهِ مِنَ النَبِيِّ مُبينُ
27. the Mahdi, the Upright, and the Secure.
He who lives in the brightness of the Family knows that they
٢٧. يَسمو بِكَ السَفّاحُ وَالمَنصورُ وَال
مَهدِيُّ وَالمَعصومُ وَالمَأمونُ
28. are a replenishment among the replenishments of Heaven.
The horsemen of a kingdom whose Caliphs are lions:
٢٨. مَن يَعشُ ضَوءَ الآلِ يَعلَم أَنَّهُم
مَلَأٌ لَدى مَلَإِ السَماءِ مَكينُ
29. the shadow of guidance has departed from it, and it has no lair.
A people who inherited from the Apostle a partition made for them
٢٩. فُرسانُ مَملَكَةٍ أُسودُ خِلافَةٍ
ظِلُّ الهُدى غابٌ لَها وَعَرينُ
30. as a fence in the Quran, firm.
In them is the tranquility of their Lord, His Book,
٣٠. قَومٌ غَدا الميراثُ مَضروباً لَهُم
سورٌ عَلَيهِ مِنَ القُرانِ حَصينُ
31. His vicegerency, and His Name, the Erasing.
A valley of the Sultan protected, in which
٣١. فيهِم سَكينَةُ رَبِّهِم وَكِتابُهُ
وَإِمامَتاهُ وَاِسمُهُ المَحزونُ
32. naught diminished the kingdom save religion.
In a white, Abbasid state,
٣٢. وادٍ مِنَ السُلطانِ مُحمىً لَم يَكُن
لِيَضيمَ فيهِ المُلكَ إِلّا الدينُ
33. encompassed by victory and consolidation,
Islam became glorious through its Sultanate,
٣٣. في دَولَةٍ بَيضاءَ هارونِيَّةٍ
مُتَكَنِّفاها النَصرُ وَالتَمكينُ
34. and India is a part of its outskirts, and China.
Every hypocrite professing enmity to the trustee of God
٣٤. قَد أَصبَحَ الإِسلامُ في سُلطانِها
وَالهِندُ بَعضُ ثُغورِها وَالصينُ
35. redeems him by the hatred stored up within his breast.
Of those whose right hands distribute favors, nor have
٣٥. يَفدي أَمينَ اللَهِ كُلُّ مُنافِقٍ
شَنَآنُهُ بَينَ الضُلوعِ كَمينُ
36. both your hands ever ceased to be our place of rest.
The wild creatures are summoned by your rule and pasture,
٣٦. مِمَّن يَداهُ يُسرَيانِ وَلَم تَزَل
فينا وَكِلتا راحَتَيكَ يَمينُ
37. and the lion, in awe, humbles itself in its lair.
Above your glory there is no ascent of glory, nor
٣٧. تُدعى بِطاعَتِكَ الوُحوشُ فَتَرعَوي
وَالأُسدُ في عِرّيسِها فَتَدينُ
38. is all boasting, apart from boasting in you, base.
There came to you from the composition of the tongue a necklace
٣٨. ما فَوقَ مَجدِكَ مُرتَقى مَجدٍ وَلا
كُلُّ اِفتِخارٍ دونَ فَخرِكَ دونُ
39. in which were strung pearls stored away.
It was shod with the sandals of Hadramawt, was decked out
٣٩. جاءَتكَ مِن نَظمِ اللِسانِ قِلادَةٌ
سِمطانِ فيها اللُؤلُؤُ المَكنونُ
40. in fine elaboration and artful adornment.
Tribal and refined, therein were multiplied
٤٠. حُذِيَت حِذاءَ الحَضرَمِيَّةِ أُرهِفَت
وَأَجادَها التَخصيرُ وَالتَلسينُ
41. the movements of the people of the earth, all still.
Its source is prolific, the ornament of its ode
٤١. إِنسِيَّةٌ وَحشِيَّةٌ كَثُرَت بِها
حَرَكاتُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ وَهيَ سَكونُ
42. is the ornament of guidance, and its composition harmonious.
As for the meanings, they are unsullied virgins when
٤٢. يَنبوعُها خَضِلٌ وَحَليُ قَريضِها
حَليُ الهَدِيِّ وَنَسجُها مَوضونُ
43. expressed - but the rhymes give them support.
The craft of the tongue sought them out, extending
٤٣. أَمّا المَعاني فَهيَ أَبكارٌ إِذا
نُصَّت وَلَكِنَّ القَوافي عونُ
44. abundant streams when the discourse was exhausted.
It behaves generously, though harboring an ill opinion - not like one
٤٤. أَحذاكَها صَنَعُ اللِسانِ يَمُدُّهُ
جَفرٌ إِذا نَضَبَ الكَلامُ مَعينُ
45. enamored of his son and his poetry.
It aims its purpose at you, while its concern
٤٥. وَيُسيءُ بِالإِحسانِ ظَنّاً لا كَمَن
هُوَ بِاِبنِهِ وَبِشِعرِهِ مَفتونُ
46. is a hope it everlastingly cherishes for you.
So its homeland is in the realm of hopes,
٤٦. يَرمي بِهِمَّتِهِ إِلَيكَ وَهَمُّهُ
أَمَلٌ لَهُ أَبَداً عَلَيكَ حَرونُ
47. and its expectation is where expectation whimpers.
Perhaps that which it hopes for, of what has not been,
٤٧. فَمُناهُ في حَيثُ الأَماني رُتَّعٌ
وَرَجاؤُهُ حَيثُ الرَجاءُ كَنينُ
48. either soon or late, will be through you.
٤٨. وَلَعَلَّ ما يَرجوهُ مِمّا لَم يَكُن
بِكَ عاجِلاً أَو آجِلاً سَيَكونُ