1. She poured it gently, openly, and secretly
O Abu Bishr, clouds of sorrow!
١. سَقَت رَفهاً وَظاهِرَةً وَغِبّاً
أَبا بِشرٍ أَهاضيبُ الغَمامِ
2. I wore it as a youth, though I took delight
In it for Zamzam and the Sacred Mosque,
٢. لَبِستُ بِهِ الصَبابَةَ غَيرَ أَنّي
سُرِرتُ بِهِ لِزَمزَمَ وَالمَقامِ
3. The next morning, lawful livelihood poured forth
Beneath a sinful spout,
٣. غَداةَ غَدَت بِهِ أُجُدٌ حَلالٌ
تَشَذَّرُ تَحتَ غِطريفٍ حَرامِ
4. Good manners threw off their rags in parting,
And after him, the perfidy of words dried up.
٤. ثَوَت لِفِراقِهِ الآدابُ شُعثاً
وَجَفَّت بَعدَهُ غُدُرُ الكَلامِ
5. A brother in whom I confided went far away,
So I remained when the loving ones went their own way.
٥. أَخو ثِقَةٍ نَأى فَبَقيتُ لَمّا
نَأى غَرَضاً لِإِخوانِ السَلامِ
6. Those with high resolve, fists that crush,
Unyielding, and traits that slumber.
٦. ذَوي الهِمَمِ الهَوامِدِ وَالأَكُفِّ ال
جَوامِدِ وَالمُرُوّاتِ النِيامِ
7. Their blades stay drawn against you out of spite
For a dream, if they see it while asleep.
٧. يَظَلُّ عَلَيكَ أَصفَحُهُم حَقوداً
لِرُؤيا إِن رَآها في المَنامِ
8. And of the evils of water when it turns stagnant
Is the length of its stillness.
٨. وَمِن شَرِّ المِياهِ إِذا اِستُميحَت
أَواجِنُها عَلى طولِ المُقامِ