
He who mourns for Baghdad has established over her a lamentation

لقد أقام على بغداد ناعيها

1. He who mourns for Baghdad has established over her a lamentation
So let him weep for her, for the ruin of fate's vicissitudes.

١. لَقَد أَقامَ عَلى بَغدادَ ناعيها
فَليَبكِها لِخَرابِ الدَهرِ باكيها

2. She was in a blazing war and conflagration
And fire extinguishes the beauty in her environs.

٢. كانَت عَلى ما بِها وَالحَربُ موقَدَةٌ
وَالنارُ تُطفِئُ حُسناً في نَواحيها

3. A goodly return is hoped for her in fate
But now despair has concealed from her any who would wish it.

٣. تُرجى لَها عَودَةٌ في الدَهرِ صالِحَةٌ
فَالآنَ أَضمَرَ مِنها اليَأسَ راجيها

4. Like an old woman whose youth has deserted her
And perfection has vanished that once graced her.

٤. مِثلَ العَجوزِ الَّتي وَلَّت شَبيبَتُها
وَبانَ عَنها كَمالٌ كانَ يُحظيها

5. A clear, blossoming harm has adhered to her
That was more beautiful than it, in the eyes of the beholder.

٥. لَزَّت بِها ضَرَّةٌ زَهراءُ واضِحَةٌ
كَالشَمسِ أَحسَنُ مِنها عِندَ رائيها