
When I saw the matter was serious indeed,

لما رأيت الأمر أمرا جدا

1. When I saw the matter was serious indeed,
And found no way to avoid what I must do,

١. لَمّا رَأَيتُ الأَمرَ أَمراً جِدّا
وَلَم أَجِد مِنَ القِيامِ بُدّا

2. I donned the skin of a fierce tiger in its greed,
And the hide of a wild rhino leading the crew.

٢. لَبِستُ جِلدَ نَمِرٍ مُعتَدّا
وَجِلدَ ضِرغامٍ يَقُدُّ قَدّا

3. I gathered the fiercest of all Arab breeds,
An army to smite the cruel and subdue,

٣. جَمَعتُ جَمعَ العَرَبِ الأَشِدّا
جَمعاً يُلِدُّ الظالِمَ الأَشَدّا

4. To shake the pillars of mountains as it proceeds,
Tamim were slaves serving our father true,

٤. يَهُدُّ أَركانَ الجِبالِ هَدّا
كانَ تَميمٌ لِأَبينا عَبدا

5. Dark warriors with curled and tangled hair,
While we were soldiers for the Prophet too,

٥. أَسوَدَ نَضّاحَ المَقَدِّ جَعدا
وَنَحنُ كُنّا لِلنَبِيِّ جُندا

6. On the day of Buzaakha we met them there,
And Badr was promised me as was Ohad too,

٦. يَومَ بُزاخاتٍ وَرَدنَ وِردا
وَعُدَّ لي بَدراً وَعُدَّ أُحدا

7. Tayy wrapped me in a coat of mail I wear,
Until I charged and defeated the slave anew.

٧. وَطَيِّىءٌ قَد أَلبَسَتني بُردا
حَتّى فَخَرتُ فَهَزَمتُ العَبدا