
You compose lies and slander against me

أفي تنظم قول الزور والفند

1. You compose lies and slander against me
Yet you are more insignificant than nothingness

١. أَفِيَّ تَنظِمُ قَولَ الزورِ وَالفَنَدِ
وَأَنتَ أَنزَرُ مِن لا شَيءَ في العَدَدِ

2. You have set your heart ablaze with hatred of me
More painful than the burning pangs of separation

٢. أَشرَجتَ قَلبَكَ مِن بُغضي عَلى حُرَقٍ
أَضَرُّ مِن حُرُقاتِ الهَجرِ في الجَسَدِ

3. You have made your body so emaciated that if
I wished to slap you one day, my hand would not find you

٣. أَنحَفتَ جِسمَكَ حَتّى لَو هَمَمتُ بِأَن
أَلهو بِصَفعِكَ يَوماً لَم تَجِدكَ يَدي

4. Do not boast, you have encompassed all pride
And fame, as you have become attributed to my envy

٤. لا تَنتَسِب قَد حَوَيتَ الفَخرَ مُجتَمِعاً
وَالذِكرَ إِذ صِرتَ مَنسوباً إِلى حَسَدي

5. You have made your evil last so long that you have become
A target, which a caravan in panic might attack, like a lion

٥. أَطَلتَ رَوعَكَ حَتّى صِرتَ لي غَرَضاً
قَد يُقدِمُ العَيرُ مِن ذُعرٍ عَلى الأَسَدِ