1. Their ruins robbed the valley of its blood
And replaced them with a beast that crouched and prowled
١. أَطلالُهُم سَلَبَت دُماها الهيفا
وَاِستَبدَلَت وَحشاً بِهِنَّ عُكوفا
2. O abode that misfortunes made their ruler
With no respite or delaying
٢. يا مَنزِلاً أَعطى الحَوادِثَ حُكمَها
لا مَطلَ في عِدَةٍ وَلا تَسويفا
3. Your stream gave drink to the meadow and breathed
A breath through your hills, soft winds unbound
٣. أَرسى بِناديكَ النَدى وَتَنَفَّسَت
نَفَساً بِعَقوَتِكَ الرِياحُ ضَعيفا
4. The clouds were awed by your courtyard, and sometimes
Your loved one quenched the thirst of yearning hearts
٤. شُعِفَ الغَمامُ بِعَرصَتَيكَ وَرُبَّما
رَوَّت رُباكَ الهائِمَ المَشغوفا
5. And if the guest of sorrows made his home with you
Surely, he found a hospitable host
٥. وَلَئِن ثَوى بِكَ مُلقِياً أَجرامَهُ
ضَيفُ الخُطوبِ لَقَد أَصابَ مُضيفا
6. For those misfortunes never ceased to become tribulations
That made accustomed the familiar place
٦. وَهِيَ الحَوادِثُ لَم تَزَل نَكَباتُها
يَألَفنَ رَبعَ المَنزِلِ المَألوفا
7. Your hills have outlived years, for long indeed
The days of time towards you were shy
٧. خَلَفَت بِعَقوَتِكَ السُنونَ وَطالَما
كانَت بَناتُ الدَهرِ عَنكَ خَلوفا
8. Days where no calamity befell your people
Except fate turned it away, averted
٨. أَيّامَ لا تَسطو بِأَهلِكَ نَكبَةٌ
إِلّا تَراجَعَ صَرفُها مَصروفا
9. And when events glanced at you fleetingly
Your lofty spirit glanced back, repelled
٩. وَإِذا رَمَتكَ الحادِثاتُ بِلَحظَةٍ
رَدَّت ظِباؤُكَ طَرفَها مَطروفا
10. We who longed for love, our hearts' affection
Became devoted to you, fixed in place
١٠. مِن كُلِّ مُطمَعَةِ الهَوى جُعِلَت لَها
مِنّا مَوَدّاتُ القُلوبِ وُقوفا
11. And the companion of moments - her company
Follows kindness with might against deluded hearts
١١. وَرَفيقَةِ اللَحَظاتِ يُعقِبُ رِفقُها
بَطشاً بِمُغتَرِّ القُلوبِ عَنيفا
12. The finest of manners - companions and friends
And faces, brows, and slender noses
١٢. جُزنَ الصِفاتِ رَوادِفاً وَسَوالِفاً
وَمَحاجِراً وَنَواظِراً وَأُنوفا
13. They were the rising stars and so brought out for us
The setting and eclipse of wishes
١٣. كُنَّ البُدورَ الطالِعاتِ فَأوسِعَت
عَنّا أُفولاً لِلنَوى وَكُسوفا
14. It was the rest of the living whose souls blood seeped
Leaving you the wine of parting bleeding grief
١٤. آرامُ حَيٍّ أَنزَفَتهُم نِيَّةٌ
تَرَكَتكَ مِن خَمرِ الفِراقِ نَزيفا
15. They were the cool of their time, so they cracked
As if time itself was clothed in wool
١٥. كانوا بُرودَ زَمانِهِم فَتَصَدَّعوا
فَكَأَنَّما لَبِسَ الزَمانُ الصوفا
16. The smooth necks bent for them, and sometimes
The forbidden was tempting and pliant
١٦. ذَلَّت بِهِم عُنُقُ الخَليطِ وَرُبَّما
كانَ المُمَنَّعَ أَخدَعاً وَصَليفا
17. I tied the generosity of my father Sa`eed, truly
Hope was thin in him, and he was slender
١٧. عاقَدتُ جودَ أَبي سَعيدٍ إِنَّهُ
بَدُنَ الرَجاءُ بِهِ وَكانَ نَحيفا
18. And I was strengthened by the lion whose roar
Made the borders growl morning and night
١٨. وَعَزَزتُ بِالسَبُعِ الَّذي بِزَئيرِهِ
أَمسَت وَأَصبَحَتِ الثُغورُ غَريفا
19. He exemplified severity and gentleness in himself
So he became great yet kind in hearts
١٩. قَطَبَ الخُشونَةَ وَاللِيانَ بِنَفسِهِ
فَغَدا جَليلاً في القُلوبِ لَطيفا
20. So if he walked - the horses walked, or if he sped -
The speeding continued, or if he went on - he went on, swaying
٢٠. فَإِذا مَشى يَمشي الدِفَقّى أَو سَرى
وَصَلَ السُرى أَو سارَ سارَ وَجيفا
21. Worrisome events shook him and he shook them
And he was revered, revered in the essence of God
٢١. هَزَّتهُ مُعضِلَةُ الأُمورِ وَهَزَّها
وَأُخيفَ في ذاتِ الإِلَهِ وَخيفا
22. The harvest of experiences awakened his resolve
Like tinder, and his determination was cultivated
٢٢. يَقظانُ أَحصَدَتِ التَجارِبُ حَزمَهُ
شَزراً وَثُقِّفَ عَزمُهُ تَثقيفا
23. And I gained from his opinions flames
That if they were forged would have been swords
٢٣. وَاِستَلَّ مِن آرائِهِ الشُعَلَ الَّتي
لَو أَنَّهُنَّ طُبِعنَ كُنَّ سُيوفا
24. The old man of purpose, the youth of joy, when
He marched to war he was the heavy-stepping gallant one
٢٤. كَهلُ الأَناةِ فَتى الشَذاةِ إِذا غَدا
لِلحَربِ كانَ القَشعَمَ الغِطريفا
25. And the brother of action - when the valiant one, every valiant one
Was armed and renowned, he was the successor
٢٥. وَأَخو الفَعالِ إِذا الفَتى كُلُّ الفَتى
في الباسِ وَالمَعروفِ كانَ خَليفا
26. How many times when you were generous with the dew
Where you went and I went, it was plucked
٢٦. كَم مِن وَساعِ الجودِ عِندي في النَدى
لَمّا جَرى وَجَرَيتَ كانَ قُطوفا
27. You were both good to me, but you were to me
Like Spring, alive, while he was Autumn
٢٧. أَحسَنتُما صَفَدي وَلَكِن كُنتَ لي
مِثلَ الرَبيعِ حَياً وَكانَ خَريفا
28. And you both mounted the heights, so you rode them
At the very top, and he came as your companion
٢٨. وَكِلاكُما اِقتَعَدَ العُلى فَرَكِبتَها
في الذَروَةِ العُليا وَجاءَ رَديفا
29. If the water of affliction overflowed, you poured out
And if the liver of time was harsh to me, you were compassionate
٢٩. إِن غاضَ ماءُ المُزنِ فِضتَ وَإِن قَسَت
كَبِدُ الزَمانِ عَلَيَّ كُنتَ رَؤوفا
30. And if their natures grew or were barren
You began to pave for me plentiful natures
٣٠. وَإِذا خَلائِقُهُم نَبَت أَو أَجدَبَت
أَنشَأتَ تَمهَدُ لي خَلائِقَ ريفا
31. And sought-after, attained gifts
That left the noble through them, prosperous
٣١. وَمَواهِباً مَطلوبَةً مَلحوقَةً
تَذَرُ الشَريفَ بِفَضلِها مَشروفا
32. He meets through them the free of birth and the slave
When asked, dead and fallen
٣٢. يَلقى بِها حُرُّ التِلادِ وَعَبدُهُ
عِندَ السُؤالِ مَصارِعاً وَحُتوفا
33. Listen - a green, vibrant blessing made its home in your abode
Flowing gently
٣٣. إِسمَع أَقامَت في دِيارِكَ نِعمَةٌ
خَضراءُ ناضِرَةٌ تَرُفُّ رَفيفا
34. Moving about when blessings move, gathering
Over you in throngs when they flee
٣٤. رَيّا إِذا النِعَمُ اِنتَقَلنَ تَخَيَّمَت
وَإِذا نَفَرنَ غَدَت عَلَيكَ أَلوفا
35. I am one whose bond with you is love, no fault
The poet whose odes were composed with rhythm
٣٥. أَنا ذو كَساكَ مَحَبَّةً لا خَلَّةً
حِبَرَ القَصائِدِ فُوِّفَت تَفويفا
36. An intimate whose dissolution is halal - he composed wonders
That became wondrous to the ears of kings
٣٦. مُتنَخِّلٌ حَلّاكَ نَظمَ بَدائِعٍ
صارَت لِآذانِ المُلوكِ شُنوفا
37. Loyal - when favor was limited he did not cease to see
The face of your favor upon him revealed
٣٧. وافٍ إِذا الإِحسانُ قُنِّعَ لَم يَزَل
وَجهُ الصَنيعَةِ عِندَهُ مَكشوفا
38. And when favor became unknown, the favor of your palm
Became known to him as favor
٣٨. وَإِذا غَدا المَعروفُ مَجهولاً غَدا
مَعروفُ كَفِّكَ عِندَهُ مَعروفا
39. This - to the foot of flaws through you, which
If it were a son would have been a companion
٣٩. هَذا إِلى قِدَمِ الذِمامِ بِكَ الَّذي
لَو أَنَّهُ وَلَدٌ لَكانَ وَصيفا
40. And a beast whom advice and love set aflame
If it were a season would have been a summer
٤٠. وَحَشاً تُحَرِّقُهُ النَصيحَةُ وَالهَوى
لَو أَنَّهُ وَقتٌ لَكانَ مَصيفا
41. And the shelter of a breast within you remains fervent
If it were a mouth it would have been fearful
٤١. وَمَقيلُ صَدرٍ فيكَ باقٍ رَوعُهُ
لَو أَنَّهُ ثَغرٌ لَكانَ مَخوفا
42. And if I prolonged my praises of excellencies for you
There is no end or description for you
٤٢. وَلَئِن أَطَلتُ مَدائِحي لَبِنائِلٍ
لَكَ لَيسَ مَحدوداً وَلا مَوصوفا
43. You lowered the days upon me after adversity
That left its fangs upon me biting
٤٣. خَفَّضتَ عَنّي الدَهرَ بَعدَ مُلِمَّةٍ
تَرَكَت لِنابَيهِ عَلَيَّ صَريفا
44. The lasting fruits of true knowledge - its decrees
Will be spent if I return biting
٤٤. جَدوى أَصيلِ العِلمِ أَن سَيُمِضُّهُ
قَضَفُ المَكارِمِ إِن رَجَعتُ قَضيفا
45. My life for the greatness of religion, my munificence of dew
Denying powers and affirming duties
٤٥. عَمرِيُّ عُظمِ الدينِ جَهمِيُّ النَدى
يَنفي القُوى وَيُثَبِّتُ التَكليفا
46. I will speak the saying of an advisor for you that comes from
A heart pure in your contentment, cleansed
٤٦. سَأَقولُ قَولَةَ ناصِحٍ لَكَ يَنتَحي
قَلباً نَقِيّاً في رِضاكَ نَظيفا
47. For you is the plateau of forbearance which if it weighed
Against firebrands, however heavy, would be light
٤٧. لَكَ هَضبَةُ الحِلمِ الَّتي لَو وازَنَت
أَجَأً إِذا ثَقُلَت وَكانَ خَفيفا
48. And the sweetness of character that if mixed
With the morals of this bloody time would be refined
٤٨. وَحَلاوَةُ الشيمِ الَّتي لَو مازَجَت
خُلُقَ الزَمانِ الفَدمِ عادَ ظَريفا
49. And I see you in the land of enemies, a conqueror
You do not awaken to kisses or dry lips
٤٩. وَأَراكَ في أَرضِ الأَعادي غازِياً
ما تَستَفيقُ يُبوسَةً وَجُفوفا
50. If through piety the people built highness
Or through conscience the noble became noble
٥٠. إِن كانَ بِالوَرَعِ اِبتَنى القَومُ العُلى
أَو بِالتُقى صارَ الشَريفُ شَريفا
51. Why then was he brought forward immaculate and prosperous
And a sin concealed though he was chaste?
٥١. فَعَلامَ قُدِّمَ وَهوَ زانٍ عامِرٌ
وَأُميطَ عَلقَمَةٌ وَكانَ عَفيفا
52. And Hatim built generosity in his partnership
While another destroyed it, though he was upright
٥٢. وَبَنى المَكارِمَ حاتِمٌ في شِركِهِ
وَسِواهُ يَهدِمُها وَكانَ حَنيفا