
By Him who granted you power and might over me,

أما والذي أعطاك بطشا وقوة

1. By Him who granted you power and might over me,
And who weakened my own strength and force,

١. أَما وَالَّذي أَعطاكَ بَطشاً وَقُوَّةً
عَلَيَّ وَأَزرى بي وَضَعَّفَ مِن بَطشي

2. Truly God created this passion for you sincerely,
And established it firmly in my heart without deceit,

٢. لَقَد خَلَقَ اللَهُ الهَوى لَكَ خالِصاً
وَمَكَّنَهُ في الصَدرِ مِنّي بِلا غِشِّ

3. Ask the night about me - do I taste its repose?
Or does my breast find rest upon my bed?

٣. سَلِ اللَيلَ عَنّي هَل أَذوقُ رُقادَهُ
وَهَل لِضُلوعي مُستَقَرٌّ عَلى فَرشي

4. I suffer agony for one who, were he to say to the sun "appear",
It would obey him, or come forth though walking reluctantly,

٤. عَناءً بِمَن لَو قالَ لِلشَمسِ أَقبِلي
لَلَبَّتهُ أَو جاءَت عَلى رَغمِها تَمشي

5. A staff of basil wood, but not in its usual hue,
And a mother of pearls, but not in her customary setting.

٥. قَضيبٌ مِنَ الرَيحانِ في غَيرِ لَونِهِ
وَأُمُّ رَشاً في غَيرِ أَكراعِهِ الحُمشِ