
Arranger of sadness in hearts

مرتب الحزن في القلوب

1. Arranger of sadness in hearts
And supporter of determination in sins

١. مُرَتِّبُ الحُزنِ في القُلوبِ
وَناصِرُ العَزمِ في الذُنوبِ

2. Whatever strange scene you wished for
In it and whatever deceptive speech

٢. ما شِئتَ مِن مَنظَرٍ عَجيبٍ
فيهِ وَمِن مَنطِقٍ أَريبِ

3. When he saw the necks of enemies
Based on a meaning that saddens him

٣. لَمّا رَأى رِقبَةَ الأَعادي
عَلى مُعَنّىً بِهِ كَئيبِ

4. He stripped away his love and affection for me
And became a watcher over the watcher

٤. جَرَّدَ لي مِن هَواهُ وُدّاً
صارَ رَقيباً عَلى الرَقيبِ