
Do not reject me, for rejection is grave

لا تصدي فالصد أمر عظيم

1. Do not reject me, for rejection is grave
And have mercy, for a lover is kind and merciful

١. لا تَصُدّي فَالصَدُّ أَمرٌ عَظيمُ
وَاِرحَمي فَالمُحِبُّ بَرٌّ رَحيمُ

2. Is it just that your heart has changed
While passion remains fixed in my heart, resident

٢. أَمِنَ العَدلِ أَنَّ قَلبَكِ سالٍ
وَالهَوى ثابِتٌ بِقَلبي مُقيمُ

3. Then you attributed wrongdoing and injustice to me
While it is another who is wrongdoing and unjust

٣. ثُمَّ أَلحَقتِ بي الإِساءَةَ وَالظُل
مَ وَغَيري هُوَ المُسيءُ الظَلومُ

4. We have committed no crime against you
But the love of this time does not last

٤. ما اِجتَرَمنا إِلَيكِ جُرماً وَلَكِن
حُبُّ هَذا الزَمانِ لَيسَ يَدومُ