
O lightning, strike the highest peaks

أيها البرق بت بأعلى البراق

1. O lightning, strike the highest peaks
And unleash there torrential downpours

١. أَيُّها البَرقُ بِت بِأَعلى البِراقِ
وَاِغدُ فيها بِوابِلٍ غَيداقِ

2. Learn that, if you do not water them,
The clouds will have no value

٢. وَتَعَلَّم بِأَنَّهُ ما لِأَنوا
ئِكَ إِن لَم تُرَوِّها مِن خَلاقِ

3. A land long soaked by tears of yearning
And tears of lovers intermingled

٣. دِمَنٌ طالَما اِلتَقَت أَدمُعُ المُز
نِ عَلَيها وَأَدمُعُ العُشّاقِ

4. The ruined dwellings glisten with water
From those remote hermitages and springs

٤. شَرِقاتُ الأَطلالِ بِالماءِ مِن تِل
كَ العَزالي مُلِثَّةً وَالمَآقي

5. May God preserve where Ismael strode
And let him drink deep from the rains

٥. حَفِظَ اللَهُ حَيثُ يَمَّمَ إِسما
عيلُ وَليَسقِهِ مِنَ الغَيثِ ساقِ

6. The days have made me drink poison
For the loss of him, from a goblet of anguish

٦. قَد سَقَتني الأَيّامُ مِن يَدِها سُمّاً
لِفَقدي لَهُ بِكَأسٍ دِهاقِ

7. Perhaps I will escape them without a pact
Or oath or covenant to constrain me

٧. وَلَعَلّي أُدالُ مِنها بِلا عَه
دٍ وَلا ذِمَّةٍ وَلا ميثاقِ

8. And on the day I depart, I will repay them
Let no tenderness for the day of parting deter me

٨. فَأُجازي يَومَ الرَحيلِ وَلا تُد
رِكُني رِقَّةٌ لِيَومِ الفِراقِ

9. O Abu al-Qasim, apportioner of fates
What is between my passion and its object is like a partition

٩. يا أَبا القاسِمِ المُقَسَّمَ ما بَي
نَ شِغافي مِثالُهُ وَالصِفاقِ

10. If you could see how I love, you would find yourself
Perplexed, between ardour and composure

١٠. لَو تَطَلَّعتَ في وِدادي إِذاً فا
جاكَ بَينَ الحَشا وَبَينَ التَراقي

11. Brotherly love has excused us, for affection
Is a pure vein of the body's subtle fluids

١١. وَشَكَت بَينَنا الأُخُوَّةُ إِنَّ ال
وُدَّ عِرقٌ زاكٍ مِنَ الأَعراقِ

12. That is a tattoo which, strive as I might,
I gained no benefit from comprehending or gaining intimacy with

١٢. ذاكَ خِلٌّ جَهَدتُ جَهدي فَلَم أُح
صِ اِنتِفاعي بِفَهمِهِ وَاِرتِفاقي

13. If you could see him there, apart from me
You would not blame me for loving the people of Iraq

١٣. لَو تَرى ذَبَّهُ هُنالِكَ دوني
لَم تَلُمني في حُبِّ أَهلِ العِراقِ

14. I have never wearied of that refined and noble pilgrim,
Possessed of forbearance and refined dispositions

١٤. ما تَمَلَّيتُ مِثلَ ذاكَ الحِجا المُع
رِقِ في الحِلمِ وَالسَجايا العِتاقِ

15. Along with all I have sampled of other people
And travelled across all horizons

١٥. مَعَ ما قَد طَوَيتُ مِن سائِرِ النا
سِ وَما قَد نَشَرتُ في الآفاقِ

16. A torment which, if it were fed, would increase
To breadth of taste over honey's sweetness

١٦. وَعِذابٌ لَو اِنَّها أُطعِمَت زا
دَت عَلى الشَهدِ بَسطَةً في المَذاقِ

17. Graceful-limbed ones, if they were clothed
Would outshine the finest silken garments

١٧. ناعِماتُ الأَطرافِ لَو أَنَّها تُل
بَسُ أَغنَت عَنِ المُلاءِ الرِقاقِ

18. A new generation, and each day brings a pride
Some excel in the beauty of character

١٨. جُدُدٌ كُلَّما غَدا يَومُ فَخرٍ
بَعضُهُم في خَلاقَةِ الأَخلاقِ

19. He eschews estrangement and shameful deeds, knowing
That to insult honours is lasting disgrace

١٩. يَهجُرُ الهُجرَ وَالمَقابِحَ عِلماً
أَنَّ شَتمَ الأَعراضِ عارٌ باقِ

20. So if people drive him to that
They find his tongue imprisoned and fettered

٢٠. فَإِذا القَومُ أَلجَئوهُ إِلى ذَ
لِكَ أَلفَوا لِسانَهُ في وَثاقِ

21. Loyalty and love unsullied in an age
When most affection is but hypocrisy

٢١. خالِصُ الوُدِّ وَالهَوى في زَمانٍ
كَدُرَ الوُدُّ فيهِ غَيرَ النِفاقِ

22. You found true brothers a livelihood more enticing
Than all these means of living

٢٢. وَوَجَدتَ الإِخوانَ رِزقاً أَغَرَّ الوَج
هِ مِن بَينِ هَذِهِ الأَرزاقِ

23. The noose has tightened around my neck, so with their hands
They loosened the knot of that strangling noose

٢٣. قَد دَنَت حَلقَتا خِناقي فَراخى
بِأَياديهِ عَقدَ ذاكَ الخِناقِ

24. They are intimate and familiar when wrapped
Together in the heat of excitement, leg entwined with leg

٢٤. هُم شَليلٌ وَنَشرَةٌ حينَ لُفَّت
في غَداةِ الهَياجِ ساقٌ بِساقِ

25. If they saw the star of annihilation they would remain
Rushing towards it, craning their necks

٢٥. لَو رَأَوا كَوكَبَ المَنايا لَظَلّوا
نَحوَها مُهطِعينَ بِالأَعناقِ

26. An offspring I did not inherit, and a treasure
Not of coarse wool, but of leaves

٢٦. وَتِلادٌ وَلَم أَرِثهُ وَكَنزٌ
لَيسَ مِن عَسجَدٍ وَلا أَوراقِ