1. The scoundrels overflowed and accounts were settled,
The noble and the refined were uprooted.
١. فاضَ اللِئامُ وَغاضَتِ الأَحسابُ
وَاِجتُثَّتِ العَلياءُ وَالآدابُ
2. It was as if the Day of Resurrection took them by surprise,
With no lineage between them, and no bonds.
٢. فَكَأَنَّ يَومَ البَعثِ فاجَأَهُم فَلا
أَنسابَ بَينَهُمُ وَلا أَسبابُ
3. Omayyad, your apology will not benefit you when seeking
My forgiveness, for after reproach comes punishment.
٣. أَمُوَيسُ لا يُغني اِعتِذارُكَ طالِباً
عَفوي فَما بَعدَ العِتابِ عِقابُ
4. Let whoever desires his veil conceal him,
Why would there be any veil over nothing?
٤. هَب مَن لَهُ شَيءٌ يُريدُ حِجابَهُ
ما بالُ لا شَيءٍ عَلَيهِ حِجابُ
5. Never have I heard, nor will I ever hear,
In a desert with a door upon it.
٥. ما إِن سَمِعتُ وَلا أَراني سامِعاً
أَبَداً بِصَحراءٍ عَلَيها بابُ
6. He whose shame is lost, his face
Is without a doorman to guard it.
٦. مَن كانَ مَفقودَ الحَياءِ فَوَجهُهُ
مِن غَيرِ بَوّابٍ لَهُ بَوّابُ
7. My obsessive thoughts kept deceiving my mind
Until it hoped for rain without clouds.
٧. مازالَ وَسواسي لِعَقلي خادِعاً
حَتّى رَجا مَطَراً وَلَيسَ سَحابُ
8. I did not know, had I not realized,
That mirages run through the courtyards of homes.
٨. ما كُنتُ أَدري لا دَرَيتُ بِأَنَّهُ
يَجري بِأَفنِيَةِ البُيوتِ سَرابُ
9. Strange are the people who hear my praises of you,
Yet do not say: "Arise, for you are right."
٩. عَجَباً لِقَومٍ يَسمَعونَ مَدائِحي
لَكَ لَم يَقولوا قُم فَأَنتَ مُصابُ
10. They rejected me as a lying Musailamah,
They were mistaken and went astray, rather I am the liar.
١٠. نَبَذوا بِكَذّابٍ مُسَيلَمَةً فَقَد
وَهِموا وَجاروا بَل أَنا الكَذّابُ
11. I compromised my religion and took cover in repentance,
I admit my sin, the ever-repentant.
١١. هَتَّكتُ ديني فَاِستَتَرتُ بِتَوبَةٍ
فَأَنا المُقِرُّ بِذَنبِهِ التَوّابُ